
17JUL2020 - Why am I not packing?

We have to move. The house we have been living in is being sold. We were not offered ANY options. I went on the initial inspection with her to show support. I have no way to help pay for ANY of our moving expenses. My comments while small are being given some weight. Her nephew hasnt been able to get in to see the new place yet.

We don't have permmission move in. I have one tote packed.I have a number of tools that I have not used in a number of years. I agreed to the sale. I think that I should slim down to perhaps just fine scale modelling. I am not packing for another reason as well. I have very painful blood blisters on my heels and big toes. I went for a walk to let off some steam and ended up with blisters instead.

I don't have any pics of the effected area. I can make some available by PRIVATE request ONLY.

Hmm. I wonder if we can cobble together a moving ckecklist for renters going to home ownership for the first time.

05AUG2020 - Joking?

We have not moved. The person that owns the home is dragging her feet on making the repairs that are needed for us to complete the deal. We would not be in this position if our landlord had not been a complete asshat and cause us to move during the pandemic.