Proud to be an extremist

Proud to be an extremist

Gove and Sunak sitting together on the green benches of the House of Commons

Gove just doesn't get (or maybe he does) that more and more of the population, be it individuals or grassroot organisations, actually want to challenge and undermine Westminster, its inherent corruption and the vile the prejudice it seems to endorse. People are vexed with our two main political parties, our politicians, the archaic and inequitable union and our unrepresentative voting system. People want to see some institutions abolished and others transformed, not preserved. People want to see a fairer, more inclusive, more progressive liberal democracy. Some want a modern democracy that may even see Britain as group of independent nation states.

Gove's redefinition of extremism is an outrageous attack on collective vision and personal belief. There are organisations and political groups that are proud of their radical agendas. They know that together we can build a better society. But these groups, in Gove's eyes, are extremist because they seek to undermine the establishment, its institutions and his own conservative dogma.

We have to stand up to this very dangerous authoritarian diktat from an increasingly dangerous and desperate government.

I'm proud to be an extremist.

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