Stroud’s history of dissent

Stroud’s history of dissent is rich, wide and long.

Banner: Stroud’s history of dissent. Wednesday, 10 April 2024 7:30pm - 9:00pm.  Green Party logo

In the nineteenth century rioting Chartists on Rodborough common were reported in newspapers and the Whiteway Colony was formed. In the twentieth century, Quakers and adherents of Rudolf Steiner were significant presences in the town.

In 1976 the campaign against the Ring Road [SCAR] won a public enquiry, the inspector finding that the proposed Ring Road would be ‘an environmental disaster’. In 1977 an application to demolish and redevelop four listed buildings in the High St was turned down. In 1980 the District Council and Millwards, the owners decided to demolish the buildings on grounds of safety. Resistance to this, saved the buildings through a combination of direct action and High Court actions.

There have been many campaigns since, sometimes local, some with a national reach such as the birth of Extinction Rebellion. Numerous projects have arisen from commitment to our community and shaping our town, such as Shire Training Workshops, the British School, Stroud Preservation Trust and the Stroud Valleys Project, the Community Planning conference, the Farmers Market, Lansdown Hall and others.

Speakers include:

  • Tim Harrison, Stroud High Street Action Group
  • Adrian Oldman, Defence of the Stratford Park Trees
  • Gill Tavner, Just Stop Oil.

Following the speakers there will be an opportunity for the audience to join the discussion and debate.

Wednesday, 10 April 2024 7:30pm - 9:00pm

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