Symn Lane Car Park Petition

Symn Lane Car Park.

Photo showing the bank where the 12 spaces are to be located and the plan submitted with the planning permission showing that 12 spaces were promised

The developers attempt to remove 12 parking spaces from the new car park rumbles on.

A deeply cynical move, the developers now suggest, despite prior refusals, that there is no feasible or viable engineering solution to provide these spaces.

It is cynicism exemplified to suggest delivering these spaces would have significant health and safety implications!

As can clearly be seen in the photo, no such excuses were made when building the hugely expensive houses on this same embankment just a few meters away.

Quite simply, they stabilised the slope, something which they have neglected to do for the 12 spaces that they committed to deliver to the town.

Regardless of your views on the car park and the pain the community suffered during the planning process, the developer cannot be let off the hook.

Does the developer really think that the residents of the town, the businesses, the Councillors are all so gullible?

Anyway, there’s a petition in Cookability (currently with around 250 signatures) and I’ll ensure it will be put directly in front of the Planning Committee at Stroud!

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