Wotton Town Council Meeting

Wotton Town Council Meeting

17th June 2024

Wotton-under-Edge Civic Centre

It was a pleasure to attend the Wotton Town Council meeting last night and I took some informal notes.

It was mentioned in the public forum how wonderful Wotton Pride was. A real sense of community and inclusivity.

Bel Whitwam gave a talk about Streamsfield and the Recreational trust. A beautiful corner of Wotton with big plans for wildlife and nature. This Saturday 22nd June, it will host activities for children and adults from 8 am to midday, to discover the small mammals, trees, moths, birds and butterflies on the site and then a bat walk in the evening.


In response to questions about the District Councillors reports I was asked about a meeting that I attended with the other district councillors about the Symn Lane Car Park. I explained that we all wanted the car park opened as soon as possible. The purpose of the meeting was to identify all the outstanding points. I added that I had been chasing the Atkins report. My offer to forward my personal notes, in the form of a project plan, based on all the information I had available to me was accepted. This has been forwarded to the clerk.

Cllr Linda Cohen also answered a number of questions, on her report as County councillor, later in the meeting. A number of highways issues were discussed and again issue of the Symn Lane Car Park meeting between the district councillors was mentioned. Town councillors made it clear that there should be no discussions with the developer without the a Town Council representative being present.

Various accounting, governance and financial items were dealt with.

Projects relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy Fund were discussed. It was wondered if the Old Town Toilets could be such a project as it was used by the bus drivers. Buses link communities was the rational.

The Market Towns Vitality Fund was also discussed. It was suggested that maybe thought could be given to previous projects that had not come to fruition. Popular ideas from the 2016 Community Plan were suggested along with Old Town toilets and a street market which former District Cllr Ken Tucker said was popular. On a personal note I was involved in a previous attempt to bring a street market to the town that was unsuccessful. :(

Winter weather preparations were discussed along with permission for the fireworks display at the Parc on the 9th November and how to mark the 55th anniversary of the Town Crier. Positive feedback on both the D-Day commemorations and Wotton Pride. Although, it was suggested that handing out badges, at the Pride event, along with explanations to young children was inappropriate. It was pointed out that all young children would have been under adult supervision and contacting the organisers would be the appropriate place to raise the concern.

There was discussion of a motion that the Town Council resolved to put forward at the GAPTC AGM. That motion being "To enable Parish and Town Councils to hold the Annual Parish Meeting at a convenient time more suitable for the electorate rather than being restricted to after 6pm when many people are unavailable."

The meeting was then closed for a Town trust meeting and County and District Councillors left.

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