North Nibley Parish Council Meeting - July 2024

North Nibley Parish Council Meeting

3rd July 2024

The outside of North Nibley Village Hall

Again it was a pleasure attending such a vibrant and professional Parish Council meeting last night along with Cllr Linda Cohen. Cllr Catherine Braun sent apologies.

At the start of the meeting parish councillors who had interests regarding agenda items declared them. Proper observance of the code of conduct really does help to cement trust with the community.

Members of the public were present and were able to talk on issues that were important to them. Two people talked about planning applications that they had submitted and the measures they have taken to consult with neighbours and the council. It was noted that this sort of dialogue is refreshing and obviously helps to achieve a positive outcome for everyone. A church warden updated about various obligations regarding churchyard maintenance.

Following a shoutout the council voted to co-opt a new member on board, which is great news. There is still room for another!

Cllr Kitchen gave an update of what the District Councillors had been up to during June along with a brief overview of SDC committee meetings.

County Cllr Linda Cohen reported back on a number of issue that she is helping with. Mainly highways related issues. Collection of abandoned road work signage. Along with various initiatives being run by GCC for children over the summer holidays.

Prior to the Planning agenda item, Cllr Kitchen and Cllr Cohen were invited to talk on some of the points gleaned from an SDC planning training meeting they had both attended earlier in the week. In reality planning laws are well defined and there is little wiggle room, so the most important message for residents is to take advantage of SDC's pre-planning advice service long before plans are drawn up. It will save a lot of heartache later.

A number of planning applications were reviewed and commented on. For a small parish council the comments, insight and thoughtful discussion about each application and its relationship to the Local Plan was commendable.

Cllr Kitchen and Cllr Cohen left the meeting at point 9 on the agenda.

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