Wotton Town Council Meeting - July 2024

Wotton Town Council Meeting

16th July 2024

Wotton-under-Edge Civic Centre

I attended the Wotton Town Council meeting last night with Cllr Braun and I took some informal notes.

Excellent news to start the meeting. Two people were co-opted onto the Town Council; Paul Jones and Paul Barton who has returned after a period of absence. But there is still room for more!

There were a number of parishioners present for the public forum.

It was decided to bring item 7ii forward for discussion.

Jeff Walshe from the Heritage Centre explained about a project based around the centenary of the death in 1925 of Sophie Gaudier-Brzeska, a Polish writer who lived in Wotton from 1916 to 1922. It would be a photo exhibition called “I also Fight Windmills” which would be held in the Civic Centre over three days in March 2025. The Council agreed to host the event with a sizable reduction of £432 off the standard room hire fees.

Then item 7i was also brought forward. It was a presentation by Richard Barlow from Wotton Bridge Club. The club is organising an event called the 'Festival of Bridge', 9-15 November 2024. As well as raising awareness of the sport, all proceeds will be going to the charity Cancer Research UK. The Council offered to host the event at a sizable reduction on standard rates, leaving the club to cover just the £20 costs. A councillor offered a personal donation to cover the £20.

Next up was a complaint received about the Town Council’s decision to not to purchase bunting, flag, and banner for the Wotton Pride event (Minute T.7157c). There was discontent that the name of the complainant was not disclosed due to GDPR. The Council had been made aware of un-evidenced rumours about 'inappropriate' material being distributed to children. A representative from Wotton Pride was at the meeting and invited to speak. They told the Council that nobody had contacted the organisers directly. Cllr Braun believed the 'inappropriate' material was, in reality, coin sized stickers, representing the various inclusivity flags. She showed everyone as she had stuck them to her phone case.


However, the complaint was not about the stickers, it related to the flag, banner and bunting. One councillor said if they had been present they would not have voted against purchasing the flag and bunting because it could be reused. Two others pointed out the Council has a general duty to consider Equal Opportunities. It emerged the cost of the flag was £12. It was commented that the Council had just given considerable sums to other local groups in the items they just discussed at this meeting. It was pointed out by one councillor that the Council had shot itself in the foot and undone any of the good work it had done by voting to lead the Wotton Pride march. Another councillor insisted that unplanned expenditure needed to be challenged and they abstained in the vote. The council resolved to instruct the clerk to respond after checking content with the Mayor.


The next item was to agree to support the Save the 84/85 buses campaign Wotton to Yate walk on 19th July 2024. One councillor was concerned whether a march was appropriate because it would impact others going about their business by car. A comparison was made to Just Stop Oil protestors. Then there was concern that the roads have many bends and people may be put in danger. Then concern that this form of protest was inappropriate. Another councillor voiced concern that it was appearing that the Council may forbid councillors from participating! But sanity prevailed and the tone changed when it was mentioned that the groups Facebook page said that Police and local MP would be in attendance.

Cllr Braun answered a question on paper recycling relating to the District Councillors report. Councillors were asked to e-mail Cllr Cohen with any Highways issues as she sent her apologies.

Cllr Braun and Cllr Kitchen left the meeting at Agenda item 10.

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