Wotton Town Council Meeting - August 2024

Wotton Town Council Meeting

19th August 2024

Wotton-under-Edge Civic Centre

I attended a packed meeting of Wotton Town Council meeting last night along with Cllr Cohen and I took some informal notes.

There were thirty or forty members of the public present. All, bar one, campaigners for saving the 84/85 bus route. One member of the public, representing Wotton Lions, was seeking reduced rates for Town Hall hire for a charity fundraiser to celebrate the life of Pat Comer.

Items 9&5 on the agenda was brought forward to the public forum. Cllr Cohen spoke at length on actions that had been taken to save the bus route over many months. Praised the work of Barbra Lawrence and team for their qualitative and quantitative data. Guiding Simon Opher on the subject and extracting double the amount of money on offer from GCC.

Members of the public spoke that they were dissatisfied with the efforts of the Town Council. The Clerk offered a long list of actions that she had taken on behalf of the Council. Personally, I am aware of much effort by Councillors in pressuring members who sit on distant committees to lend their support. The reality is that there is a huge effort going on behind the scenes. It is a very sad fact the WECA is not democratically accountable to the residents of Gloucestershire.

The overwhelming message was that Dan Norris has failed to show required leadership to broker a deal. It is poignant that many consider his legacy will be a ยฃ7m election sweetener of free birthday bus travel (in the WECA area, not Gloucestershire) that secured his career ambitions of becoming an MP.

The Town Council wants to see if this issue can be raised in the House of Commons. It was suggested that Lib Dem MP Ros Savage (South Cotswolds) maybe better placed to action this as both Simon Opher and Dan Norris have loyalties to Labour.

It was sad that there was a member of the public who was being disruptive in the meeting. He claimed to be homeless and clearly needs help and support. Cllr Paul Jones engaged with him at the break in a very kind and compassionate way which de-escalated what could have been quite a confrontational situation. Thank-you Cllr Jones.

Cllr Cohen answered a number of questions on her report. Repair of the Library wall is proceeding well. Action needs to be taken regarding the improper use of the Library's disabled bays. There was a question raised about people exiting that car park and going down the hill, maybe a sign is needed?

Discussion about the Swimming Pool, new lease and service level agreement. Refurbishment of Tolsey Clock proceeding, more corrosion than expected. Budgets approved and councillors appointed to external bodies.

There was lengthy discussion about the refurbishment of the Town and Chipping Halls and the Carter Jonas contract. It became clear that Councillors were not clear on the options so a further meeting will be organised.

The Bolster Wotton reports were discussed. Bus services, opening hours, perception of ASB and pedestrianisation of the high street were mentioned. It was decided to refer the reports to the Regeneration and Events working group.

Meeting concluded at just before 9:30pm.

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