County Councillor Report - September 2024

County Councillor Report – 3rd September 2024

Prepared by Cllr Linda Cohen

Reproduced with permission

Gloucestershire County Road Sign


If you have any ideas that you’d like to discuss or community / personal issues that need my help please get in touch. Email 07791110906

My remit includes: Education, Highways, Children and Families Services, Health and Social Care, The Environment, Apprenticeships, Employment and Business, Fire and Rescue, Police, Trading Standards and Waste Disposal (not collection).

Build Back Better – Supporting Community Projects

If you have a project which needs support, please contact me:

Highways / Public Rights of Way

FixMyStreet ( Raising a Fix My Street ticket results in an immediate safety inspection which will trigger immediate resolution if there is any safety risk or a commitment to complete work e.g. potholes within 28 days. This can be used for any road problems including overgrown hedges, damaged pavements or bridges.

Wotton and all parish councils

Lengthsman work

This work is in progress this includes the OK path

• Please let me know of any areas of particular concern – this is the last call as I need to complete schedules and allocate final Highways Local money.

Members of the public are asked to contribute to this process Gullies / drains – there is a regular schedule for clearing these vital amenities. Many are suffering from years of little maintenance. The constant rainfall and in particular the recent downpours mean that that they are universally clogged with leaves and debris. Please can we all try and ‘leaf it out’ and clear the superficial cover on drains near our property and where possible remember not to park over drains to allow for clearance.

North Nibley

Work continues with the Think Travel Team to conduct the reviews for a school crossing patrol. This has been delayed due to holidays. I have asked officers to make this a priority in September (this also applies to Kingswood).

I have provided guidance to be used for preplanning – this was produced by Cllr Simkiss who was a senior planning officer and it is her recommendation. I would add that we are happy to talk to any resident informally, if they want further information, we are unable to offer advice.

The cemetery bin will be replaced this month.

The pavement on the stretch from the cemetery to the Black Horse has been resurfaced.

I have again highlighted the issue with runaway from the slope down from the monument.


To confirm signage is in process for the old road / now trackway up to Stinchcombe Hill past The Buildings on The Street, to prevent large vehicles taking this route and getting stuck.


Highways progressing Gigaclear complaint.

Focus for September, road safety and reviewing support for the school.

Kingswood Road Safety

Slow progress due to holiday to be picked up with officers this week on action points below:

  • Progress our TRO application
  • Speed monitoring
  • The volunteer school crossing patrol are with the Think Travel team.

Alkington Ham and Stone

Draft outline for the road safety campaign to discuss at Parish Council meeting.

Draft for petition to prove need and questionnaire to determine what residents might be prepared to pay to dispose of green and general waste for approval at Parish Council meeting.

I am continuing an audit with the Highways and PROW officers of all maintenance issues to allow me to allocate remaining Highways Local budget. Please ask residents to share any trouble spots:

The strip next to Shrubbery Cottage report at meeting.

Buses 84/85 (and all other services)

By now everyone will know that we have not been successful (yet) in retaining the 84/85 service. The catalogue of events over the last month have been too numerous to outline. I would commend Barbara Lawrence and the campaign team for their efforts. There is still money on offer from Gloucestershire County Council which I persuaded to double their funding. WECA has not formerly requested this funding, this can only mean that they never intended to attempt to support the 84/85 service.

As I write there are further meetings which may result in some funding being found the most likely use of which will be to extend the 60 service run by Stagecoach.

There has been some information shared by Gloucestershire County Council about alternative means of reaching Yate but this does not meet any of the real and daily requirements of residents trying to get to work. A reminder that the GCC lift sharing app is available. Gloucestershire County Council community - part of the Liftshare network

I would ask every parish council and Wotton Town Council to promote this as widely as possible.

Many people drive daily to Yate and Bristol and there are opportunities for lift sharing but this depends on everyone populating the app with details about what they can offer. Meanwhile I will continue to fight for this fundamental service on which Wotton, Kingswood and Hillesley residents depend.

The Robin

On-demand bookable bus service providing a link between Wotton, Kingswood and Cam and Dursley station as well as giving access to Berkeley and Stonehouse. £2 per journey and connects passengers with transport links such as bus stops or directly to a location if there are no other transport options available.

Passengers can book by: Phone – 0345 263 8139 Web - The Robin | Gloucestershire County Council App - search for The Robin. Pay in advance on card or with cash or card to the driver.

Gloucestershire County Council Statement

This was the perfunctory statement issued by GCC and a totally unsatisfactory response to the crisis faced by some residents.

‘Following the pending withdrawal of the 84/85 bus service those passengers impacted seeking alternatives are advised to visit Gloucestershire County Council’s website to find out more about the alternatives.

Pages on the council’s website provide a number of different travel options and other bordering partners are doing the same.

Some signage and hard copy materials will also be made available.

For more information, visit

NHS introduces new vaccination programme against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

The NHS in Gloucestershire will be rolling out a new vaccination programme from 1 September, to protect those most vulnerable from RSV.

Adults aged 75 and pregnant women will be eligible for the vaccine. There will also be an initial ‘catch-up’ campaign for adults already aged 75 up to age 79.

All adults currently aged 75 to 79 will be invited to book a vaccination by local GP services in the weeks following 1 September 2024.

Pregnant women will be able to get the vaccine via a midwife from 28-36 weeks pregnancy.

RSV is a common respiratory virus that that can cause serious lung infections. However, despite infecting around 90% of children within the first 2 years of life, it’s not a virus that many people are aware of.

While RSV infection can occur at any age, the risk of RSV and its complications are increased in older adults and babies, which is why the vaccine is being offered to adults when they reach the age of 75, and to pregnant women. Additionally, those already aged 75-79 years old before the vaccine became available on 1 September will be offered the chance to ‘catch up’.

Dr Hein Le Roux, GP and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, NHS Gloucestershire said:

“RSV is a common seasonal winter virus which can cause colds, coughs and mild respiratory infection in adults and children.Most infections get better by themselves, but RSV can cause severe illness in some people, including pneumonia (infection of the lungs), bronchiolitis (a common chest infection that affects babies and children under 2) and other life-threatening conditions.

The NHS in Gloucestershire is now offering the RSV vaccine to those most vulnerable to the virus. If you’re eligible, it’s important to take up the offer as soon as you’re invited to reduce your risk of becoming seriously unwell.”

Professor Mark Pietroni, Medical Director at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“RSV is one of the main causes of winter pressure on our children’s wards each year, and we know that nationally it accounts for approximately 20,000 hospitalisations in children under the age of one every year.

Having the vaccine during pregnancy is the best way to protect your baby against RSV, as the vaccine boosts your immune system to produce more antibodies against the virus, and these then pass through the placenta to help protect your baby from the day they are born.

Your midwife will be happy to have a chat with you about the vaccines recommended to women during pregnancy, including RSV, at your antenatal appointment.”

How to access the RSV vaccine for older adults aged 75 to 79

All adults currently aged 75 to 79 will be invited to book a vaccination by local GP services in the weeks following 1 September 2024. You do not need to contact your GP practice at this time.

Following the initial ‘catch-up’ campaign for those who are already 75, all adults will be invited for a single dose of the RSV vaccination on or after their 75th birthday.

As part of the routine programme, people will remain eligible until the day before their 80th birthday.

How to access the RSV vaccine for pregnant women to protect infants Pregnant women will be eligible for a single dose of the RSV vaccine from the 28th-36th week of their pregnancy. Your midwife will speak to you about booking in the RSV vaccination at your antenatal appointment, in addition to the other vaccines you’re eligible for when pregnant, including whooping cough, flu and COVID-19.

Additional information

More information about the RSV vaccination programme is available on the NHS Gloucestershire website.

Over £400k made available for community groups to help county thrive

Gloucestershire County Council is inviting community groups across the county to apply for a share of £400k funding from its Thriving Communities Grant.

The Thriving Communities Grant programme aims to invest in Gloucestershire’s communities to help local organisations with projects that help people to stay well, and support them to live independently for as long as possible.

Applications for grant funding open on Monday 2 September 2024 and will close on Sunday 13 October 2024.

Since 2018, the Thriving Communities Grant has supported over 310 projects, investing £2.4 million in local groups. The funding has helped community and voluntary organisations to connect people to their local communities, strengthening ties, reducing isolation, and improving physical and mental wellbeing.

Full details and case studies can be found at:

Thriving Communities Grant | Gloucestershire County Council

Digital Bootcamps – still time to book

Gloucestershire County Council are launching a brand-new programme of digital bootcamps in Labs across the county, giving young people the chance to dive into the world of digital creative careers and get inspired by industry experts.

We will be working with businesses such as SAND Visuals, Phoenix Consultants and others, who will support those attending to get a real experience of working within these industries.

The project is a key strand of Gloucestershire Libraries National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status, funded by the Arts Council for 3 years.

Specifically designed for young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), the programmes are running alongside the school term, and will provide hands-on experience, and opportunities to learn new skills, and make connections with the aim of jump starting careers. There will also be the chance for those who take part to showcase their work in an exhibition and see what

others are creating.

Finished projects will be entered into a competition, and the top creators will win prizes and be offered work experience opportunities. Everyone who completes the programme will receive a £20 Amazon gift voucher and a certificate to recognise their hard work.

Two programmes will be running September - October:

Stop-motion-animation – Gloucester Lab, 2 September – 18 October 2024

Delivered by SAND Visuals, you will learn the basics of stop-motion-animation and editing using your smart phone and Lab technology.

WordPress web design – Stroud Lab, 4 September – 18 October 2024

Learn the basics of building an e-commerce website in WordPress.

We know it can be daunting for young people to sign up to something new, so we have organised some drop-in sessions for those who are interested to call in to see the Lab, get a good feel of the space and have a play with some of the tech available

Drop-in sessions:

Stroud Lab (Stroud Library)

Thursday 15 August – 10.00-11.00 and 14.00-15.00

Gloucester Lab (Gloucester Library)

Thursday 22 August - 10.00-11.00 and 14.00-15.00

To find out more:


County’s young carers invited to share their views on services

Gloucestershire County Council is asking the county’s young carers, their families and schools to share their views on services which support children and young people who care for a family member.

The council wants to hear from all children and young people who help to look after a family member on a day-to-day basis, to help understand how it can make sure they get the support they need.

Young carers are children and young people under 18 who help to look after someone in their family

who has a long-term medical condition, disability, mental health condition or problem with drugs

and alcohol.

There are four surveys aimed at:

Young carers who are aged 8 up to 15

Young carers who are aged 16 up to 24

Parents of children and young people with caring responsibilities


The purpose of the surveys is to find out how helpful young carers are finding these services and to learn what other support they may find beneficial. The feedback provided will help to shape future services and support across the county.

The county council helps to fund and promote a range of services to support young carers through Gloucestershire Young Carers including assessment and support planning, one to one support and county wide respite support groups, as well as trips and activities where young carers can enjoy time away with other young people who share similar family circumstances.

There are currently over 1,100 young people who are registered and receiving support from Gloucestershire Young Carers, and it is estimated that there are approximately 7000 young carers in Gloucestershire, many of whom may not realise that they would be classed as a carer.

The surveys close on 31 October 2024.

We know that children and young people often don’t recognise their caring role, if this article has helped you identify that you are a young carer or you know a young carer, please get in touch with Gloucestershire Young Carers on 01452 733060 or visit

County council works with nature to prevent flooding

Gloucestershire County Council hosted a Flood Forum event this year and share a video about extensive flood prevention work across the area.

Climate change is increasing the risk of flooding, but the council is committed to creating a greener Gloucestershire and is investing in flooding resilience. Every year the council spend £2.1 million on flood prevention and highway drainage. For example, large water storage areas have been created in Cheltenham to protect residents. In Nailsworth, underground drainage has been improved to

reduce the flood risk to the town centre.

In the Forest of Dean, natural flood management schemes are working with nature by installing 'leaky dams' and reconnecting flood plains to slow the flow of water through the landscape. Natural flood management schemes are a sustainable and low-cost solution to building long-term flood resilience, with the added bonus of boosting biodiversity in the Forest.

The Flood Forum (May 2024), brought together speakers in a concerted effort to promote the exciting and valuable work carried by those who respond to and deal with flooding, and demonstrate the collaborative working between these organisations.

A selection of over 50 attendees heard from Gloucestershire County Council, Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency as well as having the opportunity to ask questions and develop collective thinking on tackling flooding.

They covered how agencies work together, manage flooding, plan ahead, respond during an incident, and take a whole-catchment approach to working with nature to help reduce the impacts of future flooding. A question-and-answer session raised important challenges on how agencies engage with communities, how they work with farmers and how development can be better


The event took place at the University of Gloucestershire’s Park Campus and provided a kick off point for further collaboration and joint working which following its success is set to be repeated in the future.

Video about the council’s flood prevention work:

The council's Flood Guide offers advice to residents and businesses concerned about a flood risk to their property:

Free bus travel for veterans seeking employment

The irony of this item will not be lost on readers.

A travel card providing free bus travel has been made available to veterans who are seeking employment in Gloucestershire.

The initiative has been introduced by Gloucestershire County Council in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Jobcentre Plus.

The county council agreed to set up the scheme following a motion put forward by Cllr Cate Cody, leader of the Green Party at Gloucestershire County Council, at a full council meeting in February. It was supported by the Conservative group after minor amends and unanimously approved by all councillors.

The county council has produced and funded the travel cards, while Jobcentre Plus establishments in the county will issue them.

The initiative was launched at the Veterans Café in Gloucester, which was set up earlier this year with the support of the county council. The café is based at the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum and provides a space for serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families to gather, socialise and support each other.

The motion said that the council wanted to take steps to make a positive difference to the lives of veterans in our county, in recognition of their service. The travel card will be available to veterans over aged 16 who are claiming Universal Credit or receiving a DWP benefit in Gloucestershire. It will entitle them to free bus travel throughout Gloucestershire.

Each card can be used for 50 single free trips and even if a veteran gains employment before the trips on the card run out, they can continue to use it. If the veteran if still seeking employment after the card runs out, they will be issued with a new card.

Jobcentre Plus staff will confirm eligibility and issue the cards to veterans when they make contact at the Jobcentre. The cards cannot be used by anyone else.

Further information on the scheme can be found on the Veterans’ Travel Card webpage at or the Armed Forces Covenant pages:

Get on your bike for Cycle September

Cycle September is a fun, free challenge and you, your friends, and your co-workers are all invited to participate. The aim is simple - to get more people to enjoy the benefits of riding bikes. You can ride anywhere, anytime in September to participate.

By logging your bike trips on Love to Ride or by using an app, you can win great prizes, like a £2,000 gift card. Plus, there are even more prizes up for grabs if you encourage other people to get involved, too.

There are so many benefits to riding a bike: from improved mental and physical well-being to a healthier planet to more affordable and efficient travel. Cycle September is all about celebrating each of these benefits and sharing them with the world.

Join the fun now at

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