Gloucestershire Police & Crime Panel - September '24

Summary - Shire Hall

A meeting summary and personal notes authored by Cllr Gareth Kitchen, SDC.

This post is an early draft of content that will form the basis of a collaborative report feeding into the Community Services and Licensing Committee at SDC.

Webcast of meeting. Agenda packs etc.

Panel Meeting Shire Hall 6th Sept

A few apologies and a few new representatives, minutes of the previous meeting approved and no declarations of interest.

Recent national public disorder - Gloucestershire response

PCC was impressed with the way the Constabulary dealt with recent events. DPCC was grateful that residents of Gloucestershire did not engage in the disorder seen elsewhere. Some social media locally, shared in good faith by Cheltenham BID, was misinformation and caused some problems.

DPCC said there is a lessons learnt exercise going on. Looking to improve links to trusted organisations and better cascade information.

I asked about the IAG (Independent Advisory Group) and how representative it is of our diverse communities. The CLP (Community Legitimacy Panel) wasn't consulted by Gold Group. It was refreshing for the CEO to frankly concede that diversity is an issue on the IAG. Looking review and improve. The OPCC and Constabulary want to learn more and 'Internal Audit' is looking to review the lay and scrutiny panels. Great news! Also, CEO confirmed that CLP is still active, although latest minutes are not on the web site. The last published ones are from January 2022.

Cllr. talked about the all organisations need to work together to ensure that inequalities in communities are addressed, being the main root cause. DPCC wants to see communities building back together and use of Clear, Hold, Build (Endeavour). An initiative that's been successful elsewhere which targets embedded criminality in left behind areas. Needs community coming together with appropriate support. Pride in an area. Cheltenham first, then maybe Gloucester and Stroud.

DPCC mentioned that some social media companies (Meta) were more responsive at dealing with hate and misinformation than others. (I've had some personal thoughts on these issues regarding Twitter/X)

A Cllr. recalled rushing back from Birmingham on the Wednesday when they heard the news re the rioting elsewhere in the country. They wanted to be with and reassure their constituents in the most diverse area of Gloucestershire. They praised the Police response. The Chair praised the Cllr. for their excellent instinct and actions as a Councillor representing his community.

'Community' cropped up again and what help can the OPCC give. (It's all about communities! Isn't it?) DPCC said it's not for him to dictate what communities should do, but he can provide some funding for Safer Streets for example.

Update on Revenue Budget and the Medium Term Financial Plan

The Interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO) not been in post long. Wanted to give context on borrowing levels. MTFP, early days and the numbers will change. They don't know what the level of Government grant will be and don't know what the level of precept will be.

Investment needed. Reserves have previously been invested. The Force has fallen behind on IT investment. Lots of time wasted on duplicated data entry on dated IT systems. Big investment required and borrowing will increase to fund this. So big savings need to be made to produce a balanced budget.

The report sets out actions being built on and done. Looking at spare land to dispose of. HQ is a PFI and very costly going forward. A Cllr. had lots of questions and has grave concerns about the constabulary. Reserves going down and borrowing going up rings all sorts of alarm bells. Doesn't see how the nine work-streams are going to be prioritised over what timeline and when are the savings going to be realised. What are the risks? Where's the management strategy? Unique pie charts without figures! PCC commends Cllr's passion! This is PCC's top priority.... Overheating. Ā£7m target work needs to be pulled together this month. CFO can offer more detail but offered the panel some general explanations. Management Strategy; rural stations were designed in 60's maintenance looking 10-20 years forward. This is good borrowing to address and will increase. This force is doing things properly on their balance sheet from a technical accounting perspective.

Detailed efficiencies and saving programme will come out over the next few months. Precept is going up!

DPCC said ANPR needed IT improvements. Wanting to place in more rural areas. Ageing vehicles require more maintenance. Victims Hub is up and running, more staff required starting with domestic abuse and then to encompass hate crime and stalking. NICHE system will be game changing but can't implement quickly because it will break. Another Cllr. questions if this is an IT project like the one the brought down Birmingham City Council! No, reassures the CFO, this is an organisational change project. This is a tested system, Gloucestershire is the last police force to implement it (not sure if that's a plus or a minus!). Cllr. also worried about borrowing and payback. Treasury Management report later in year will provide reassurance. CFO wants to see a 5 year programme. Difficult picture but will produce a balanced budget.

PCSO recruitment paused. Positions not being replaced? Ā£7m saving will require savings. Need to balance budget. PCSO are staff. No decision yet. Need to look at everything. Cllr. thinks PCSO levels are going to fall. PCC say numbers oscillate.

Ten minute comfort break is welcomed (new format after feedback from last time, I guess). These public sector meetings are tough, neither short nor concise . It becomes difficult to maintain focus and concentration.

I asked a rambling question about safeguarding of Neighbourhood Policing. PCSO's act as a key liaison point between neighbourhoods and policing. Publicly facing, they provide a visible, accessible and approachable uniformed presence in the community to offer reassurance and foster good community relations. But, what is Cost Saving Programme - Budget Gold? Also, the decision to cancel the Constabulary and OPCC Open Day. The Open Day's purpose is community engagement and to foster better connections within the local community. In terms of equality and diversity it was noted that this decision may impact the accessibility and exclusivity of the event for certain demographics within the community. Therefore, why was the option not to revert to multiple small events, more inline with the original purpose, not considered? Cost saving over community engagement? CEO confirms Budget Gold is a command structure showing the importance of PCSOs, it's be taken seriously. Open Day looking to have series of smaller events. Intention to build confidence. CEO reassures that we are on same page.

Yet another question on reserves. Confirmation that they can't go any lower! PCC chips in that it's because of special measures. PCC wants to be one of the best forces in the country. PCSO numbers questioned and turnover. PCC inherited 110 now 124. PCSOs (they lose one per month) and warranted officers (the lose ten per month; retirements, go early, transferees, dismissals, medical). Chair would like this info on this. 999 calls now have a 4 second response. 101 less than a minute.

Increasing footprint using fire-stations still on the cards. Two done looking at four more. This includes Wotton, I think. No budget to look at new Court building at WaterWells, not PCC's remit anyway. Finance is tricky right now will know more later in the year.

Update from the Police & Crime Commissioner

Not long since last meeting. Switching to efficiency. New expert on Performance Management. Ratios all sorts of analysis. Will better hold Chief Constable to account. This is really good news, I think. This system will inform the refresh of Police and Crime Prevention Plan, which is being pushed out to consultation soon. I asked why internal audit budget is so small compared to a local authority, for example. CFO thought so too, but has investigated and been reassured that it's good value for money.

Office of the Police & Crime commissioner - Chief Executive

Different format of report. Interactions with Policing Minister and Home Secretary. First meeting within 72 hours of new Government. OPCC learnt of missions. Cross departmental work in Whitehall. Apparently, reminiscent of the plans from 1998 (I wondered if CEO was actually around back then?). Confidence in Policing, foundation in democracy. VAWG and Knife Crime being prioritised nationally which aligns with local plan. Lots of other info. Asst. CEO (Victims & Commissioning) mentioned that their domestic violence strategic coordinator been asked to join the national task force. However, they will feedback to Gloucestershire. CEO reported on a substantial summary of Bills to be included in King's Speech.

Questions about Protection of Premises bill to work with Highways with questions about pedestrianised areas. VAWG 38% increase reading the report people don't identify the word 'violence', it should include the words intimidation and abuse, which then encompasses stalking and harassment too. Words matter. Need to use care for inclusivity. Lots of support available.

Officers not feeling valued, how can we improve? Draft P&C plan includes Confidence within policing and confidence in policing, on-going work.

Cheltenham has inadequate CCTV monitoring. Staffing issues addressed according to DPCC. (I wonder if same for Stroud?)

Problems with e-bikes. Problem in Cheltenham and lesser extent Gloucester. Often linked to drug dealing. Police have developed a technique to arrest these people, PCC didn't want to discuss in public. DPCC dislike e-bikes too. Mini-mopeds mentioned on footpaths, balaclavaed up, PCC wants to discuss in private.

An interesting report from PwC: "Current national organising model for policing is diffuse and reliant on willing cooperation from a loose network of inherently local organisations. This fragmented approach is not fit for purpose." I ask is there not danger in touting increased centralisation of services, which is likely, reliant on infrastructure that is located beyond our locality and often beyond our shores? This maybe relevant to the NICHE system too. Doesn't the current Local Policing model with local IT service provision offer better resilience (when the internet goes down), local accountability and therefore better community engagement?

CEO and PCC say that this is a constant debate within Policing. No easy answer. PCC would like more co-operation regionally. But there is a fair bit done already and gave examples. It's a mixed picture, pluses and minuses.

The Chair thanks everyone.

Work Programme

Move onto the work programme. A few changes. Road Safety questions asked by Panel not relevant to OPCC more GCC, so potentially moved to Environment Committee. One member not happy because they can't ask questions. Panel member doesn't want to go to that committee as a member of the public. Needs clarification.

One Cllr wants Staff turnover at Constabulary adding. Brief Panel on Clear, Hold Build to be done at HQWW as sensitivities. Benchmark against other forces what we are measuring etc. Rob re performance manager. New dashboard. Shame we didn't get to question about it at the last meeting. It sounds excellent.

AOB: Cllr asks about parking and responsibilities with Police and GCC. Police only involved by exception or obstruction.

Update 10 Sept:

  • Had to re-publish blog. Technical issues! New URL so previous e-mail links broke. :(
  • DPCC confirms CCTV staffing issues re Stroud CoT are also resolved.

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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