The Bug of Confusion

The Contest

Just before Christmas, the team at Codehawks created a bug bounty challenge to mimic one bug they encountered during one of their assessments.
The challenge was to identify the same bug they reported during a real audit and report it as in a bug bounty program. The code base, shown right here, was simplified for the sake of clarity:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;

import {Math} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";

// @title VotingBooth
// @author
// This contract is a simplified version of a real contract which
// was audited by Cyfrin in a private audit and contained the same bug.
// Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find that bug!
// This contract allows the creator to invite a select group of people
// to vote on something and provides an eth reward to the `for` voters
// if the proposal passes, otherwise refunds the reward to the creator.
// The creator of the contract is considered "Trusted".
// This contract has been intentionally simplified to remove much of
// the extra complexity in order to help you find the particular bug without
// other distractions. Please read the comments carefully as they note
// specific findings that are excluded as the implementation has been
// purposefully kept simple to help you focus on finding the harder
// to find and more interesting bug.
// This contract intentionally has no time-out period for the voting
// to complete; lack of a time-out period resulting in voting never
// completing is not a valid finding as this has been intentionally
// omitted to simplify the codebase.
// This contract should only contain 1 intentional High finding, but
// if you find others they were not intentional :-) This contract should
// not be used in any live/production environment; it is purely an
// educational bug-hunting exercise based on a real-world example.
contract VotingBooth {
    // smallest amount proposal creator can fund contract with
    uint256 private constant MIN_FUNDING = 1 ether;

    // min/max number of voters
    uint256 private constant MIN_VOTERS = 3;
    uint256 private constant MAX_VOTERS = 9;

    // min quorum
    uint256 private constant MIN_QUORUM = 51;

    // constants used for `voterState` in `s_voters` mapping
    uint8 private constant DISALLOWED = 0;
    uint8 private constant ALLOWED = 1;
    uint8 private constant VOTED = 2;

    // only permitted addresses can vote, each address gets 1 vote
    mapping(address voter => uint8 voterState) private s_voters;

    // creator of this proposal. Any findings related to the creator
    // not being able to update this address are invalid; this has
    // intentionally been omitted to simplify the contract so you can
    // focus on finding the cool bug instead of lame/easy stuff. Proposal
    // creator is trusted to create the proposal from an address that
    // can receive eth
    address private s_creator;

    // total number of allowed voters
    uint256 private s_totalAllowedVoters;

    // total number of current votes
    uint256 private s_totalCurrentVotes;

    // list of users who voted for
    address[] private s_votersFor;

    // list of users who votes against
    address[] private s_votersAgainst;

    // whether voting has been completed
    bool private s_votingComplete;

    // create the contract
    constructor(address[] memory allowList) payable {
        // require minimum eth proposal reward
        require(msg.value >= MIN_FUNDING, "DP: Minimum 1 eth proposal reward required");

        // cache list length
        uint256 allowListLength = allowList.length;

        // perform some sanity checks. NOTE: checks for duplicate inputs
        // are performed by entity creating the proposal who is
        // supplying the eth and is trusted, so the contract intentionally
        // does not re-check for duplicate inputs. Findings related to
        // not checking for duplicate inputs are invalid.
        require(allowListLength >= MIN_VOTERS, "DP: Minimum 3 voters required");
        require(allowListLength <= MAX_VOTERS, "DP: Maximum 9 voters allowed");

        // odd number of voters required to simplify quorum check
        require(allowListLength % 2 != 0, "DP: Odd number of voters required");

        // cache total voters to prevent multiple storage writes
        uint256 totalVoters;

        // store addresses allowed to vote on this proposal
        for (; totalVoters < allowListLength; ++totalVoters) {
            // sanity check to prevent address(0) as a valid voter
            address voter = allowList[totalVoters];
            require(voter != address(0), "DP: address(0) not a valid voter");

            s_voters[voter] = ALLOWED;

        // update storage of total voters only once
        s_totalAllowedVoters = totalVoters;

        // update the proposal creator
        s_creator = msg.sender;

        // eth stored in this contract to be distributed once
        // voting is complete

    // record a vote
    function vote(bool voteInput) external {
        // prevent voting if already completed
        require(isActive(), "DP: voting has been completed on this proposal");

        // current voter
        address voter = msg.sender;

        // prevent voting if not allowed or already voted
        require(s_voters[voter] == ALLOWED, "DP: voter not allowed or already voted");

        // update storage to record that this user has voted
        s_voters[voter] = VOTED;

        // update storage to increment total current votes
        // and store new value on the stack
        uint256 totalCurrentVotes = ++s_totalCurrentVotes;

        // add user to either the `for` or `against` list
        if (voteInput) s_votersFor.push(voter);
        else s_votersAgainst.push(voter);

        // check if quorum has been reached. Quorum is reached
        // when at least 51% of the total allowed voters have cast
        // their vote. For example if there are 5 allowed voters:
        // first votes For
        // second votes For
        // third votes Against
        // Quorum has now been reached (3/5) and the vote will pass as
        // votesFor (2) > votesAgainst (1).
        // This system of voting doesn't require a strict majority to
        // pass the proposal (it didn't require 3 For votes), it just
        // requires the quorum to be reached (enough people to vote)
        if (totalCurrentVotes * 100 / s_totalAllowedVoters >= MIN_QUORUM) {
            // mark voting as having been completed
            s_votingComplete = true;

            // distribute the voting rewards

    // distributes rewards to the `for` voters if the proposal has
    // passed or refunds the rewards back to the creator if the proposal
    // failed
    function _distributeRewards() private {
        // get number of voters for & against
        uint256 totalVotesFor = s_votersFor.length;
        uint256 totalVotesAgainst = s_votersAgainst.length;
        uint256 totalVotes = totalVotesFor + totalVotesAgainst;

        // rewards to distribute or refund. This is guaranteed to be
        // greater or equal to the minimum funding amount by a check
        // in the constructor, and there is intentionally by design
        // no way to decrease or increase this amount. Any findings
        // related to not being able to increase/decrease the total
        // reward amount are invalid
        uint256 totalRewards = address(this).balance;

        // if the proposal was defeated refund reward back to the creator
        // for the proposal to be successful it must have had more `For` votes
        // than `Against` votes
        if (totalVotesAgainst >= totalVotesFor) {
            // proposal creator is trusted to create a proposal from an address
            // that can receive ETH. See comment before declaration of `s_creator`
            _sendEth(s_creator, totalRewards);
        // otherwise the proposal passed so distribute rewards to the `For` voters
        else {
            uint256 rewardPerVoter = totalRewards / totalVotes;

            for (uint256 i; i < totalVotesFor; ++i) {
                // proposal creator is trusted when creating allowed list of voters,
                // findings related to gas griefing attacks or sending eth
                // to an address reverting thereby stopping the reward payouts are
                // invalid. Yes pull is to be preferred to push but this
                // has not been implemented in this simplified version to
                // reduce complexity & help you focus on finding the
                // harder to find bug

                // if at the last voter round up to avoid leaving dust; this means that
                // the last voter can get 1 wei more than the rest - this is not
                // a valid finding, it is simply how we deal with imperfect division
                if (i == totalVotesFor - 1) {
                    rewardPerVoter = Math.mulDiv(totalRewards, 1, totalVotes, Math.Rounding.Ceil);
                _sendEth(s_votersFor[i], rewardPerVoter);

    // sends eth using low-level call as we don't care about returned data
    function _sendEth(address dest, uint256 amount) private {
        bool sendStatus;
        assembly {
            sendStatus := call(gas(), dest, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        require(sendStatus, "DP: failed to send eth");

    // returns true if the proposal is active or false if finished,
    // used internally and also externally to validate setup
    function isActive() public view returns (bool) {
        return !s_votingComplete;

    // returns total number of allowed voters, used externally to validate setup
    function getTotalAllowedVoters() external view returns (uint256) {
        return s_totalAllowedVoters;

    // returns the proposal creator, used externally to validate setup
    function getCreator() external view returns (address) {
        return s_creator;

It's important to note there are many comments highlighting the fact that some functionalities are over-simplified and contain simple bugs to ignore for the purpose of this challenge.
This being said, what was the high-rated bug that I found and was validated on this challenge?

The Bug

The definition of a reward for users of a passing vote or, alternatively, for the creator in case of a rejected vote, is inconsistent.
The two rewards are represented by significantly different amounts, although definitions and comments in the contract might lead to think that they should represent the same sum. This leads to confusion on how rewarding it can be to participate in a winning vote.

Vulnerability Details

There are several occasions where the wording of description and comments leads to think that the "reward" is a specific sum, both for the creator in a rejected vote, and split among "for" voters in a passing vote.
First example:

// This contract allows the creator to invite a select group of people
// to vote on something and provides an eth reward to the `for` voters
// if the proposal passes, otherwise refunds the reward to the creator.

Second example:

    // distributes rewards to the `for` voters if the proposal has
    // passed or refunds the rewards back to the creator if the proposal
    // failed

However, the reward is not the same amount.
The reward refunded to the creator is the balance of the contract, as clearly shown in this snapshot from the source code:

        uint256 totalRewards = address(this).balance;

        // if the proposal was defeated refund reward back to the creator
        // for the proposal to be successful it must have had more `For` votes
        // than `Against` votes
        if (totalVotesAgainst >= totalVotesFor) {
            // proposal creator is trusted to create a proposal from an address
            // that can receive ETH. See comment before declaration of `s_creator`
            _sendEth(s_creator, totalRewards);

The reward divided between "for" voters, however, is less than that, as the computation divides it by the number of totalVotes, instead of just the number of passing votes, as shown here:

        else {
            uint256 rewardPerVoter = totalRewards / totalVotes;

            for (uint256 i; i < totalVotesFor; ++i) {

                if (i == totalVotesFor - 1) {
                    rewardPerVoter = Math.mulDiv(totalRewards, 1, totalVotes, Math.Rounding.Ceil);
                _sendEth(s_votersFor[i], rewardPerVoter);

As a practical example, let's suppose a scenario with:

  • five allowed voters;
  • a total reward of 100 ETH.

If the vote passes (thus, 2 "for" votes and one against, or three "for" votes), each rewardPerVoter will be 20 ETH (100/5). The amount sent out will be 20*2 or 20*3, for a total ranging between 40 and 60 ETH.
However, if the vote is rejected, the reward sent out is the full 100 ETH.


There is a lack of clarity in the documentation regarding the behavior of this "reward" mechanism. This can lead to confusion in the user base regarding how rewarding participating in this protocol actually is.
This lack of clarity can lead to complains, negative reviews, bad reputation and publicity for the protocol, up to a progressive abandoment of the whole project due to poor street credibility.


A better documentation can clearly set users expectations when taking part in the voting system. If documentation is correct, and the reward to send out should always be the same amount, then it is the code that needs fixing. In this case, dividing the total reward by the amount of "for" voters would compute the correct share to send out to each "for" voter.

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