Books 2022

I read eight books in 2022.

Author/Publisher - Title (Year of Release) - Date Completed

  1. Ari Shavit - My Promised Land (2018) - 02/27
  2. Alana Newhouse - The 100 Most Jewish Foods: A Highly Debatable List (2019) - 04/02
  3. Lawrence A. Hoffman - The Art of Public Prayer (2009) - 05/01
  4. Peninnah Schramm - Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another (1993) - 06/21
  5. Stella Suberman - The Jew Store (1998) - 08/03
  6. Dennis Prager, Joseph Telushkin - Why the Jews? (2003) - 10/02
  7. Mordecai M. Kaplan - Judaism as a Civilization (1981) - 12/21
  8. Harold S. Kushner - When Bad Things Happen To Good People (2001) - 12/25


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