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Thomas and Otto were good friends. They had gone through all of the adolescence bullying nightmare together, supporting each other like brothers, and came out to each other on the same day. Thomas, who was 18 at the time, told Otto that he was gay, and Otto said he was too. Their friendship grew stronger but there never was any sexual interest by either part.

When Otto broke his left foot in a motorcycle accident years later and had to go through surgery, Thomas was there to help him recover. He would drive his friend around wherever he needed, and they spent lots of days together at Thomas's little 1 bedroom place where he worked as a freelance journalist, writing articles on his laptop, having beers with Otto and playing videogames. Otto slept on the sofa-bed while he was away from work due to his injury, read e-books and watched YouTube tutorials on programming while his friend worked.

A few weeks after surgery, Otto went back to the doctor for another check up, and the doctor ordered for the removal of the cast and that Otto started physiotherapy sessions. Thomas drove them back to his place and they had lunch.
Otto laid on the couch looking at his pale, hairy leg, now free of the cast. "Why is only the part that was under the cast so hairy? Is hair like fungus? Does it only grow in dark, damp... skin?" he asked, itching his foot with a ruler. "I don't know", said Thomas, putting on a leather jacket and changing his shoes, "Maybe you should Google that while I go on a hot date", he continued.
"Oh, is that today?" Otto asked, a little disappointed. He had just received his physical copy of Street Fighter 6 and hoped they could play together. "Yep! Hot date today! See you later, masturbater", said Thomas kissing Otto on his forehead and leaving. Otto got up slowly and opened the small package that was sitting on the table in front of the TV. He read the back of the videogame cover and placed the disc in his console. While it downloaded the day-one patch, he went into the kitchen and made some popcorn.

After playing a few matches he got a message from Thomas: "I'm at Vindi's with Andrew. He's nice. This should've been a triple date, he is a physical therapist! Just what your doctor ordered!" Otto laughed, and replied "Maybe he could come fix my foot after fixing your hole ", then put his phone down for another match. He played for hours. Later that night Thomas came back home. Otto was sleeping on the couch with the controller on his chest and the TV and game were still on. He snored lightly in a way Thomas always thought was cute. Thomas took the controller off his friends chest slowly, not to wake him, muted the TV and tried the videogame. He had brought mozzarella sticks back from the restaurant, and he ate some while playing. Otto woke up a few minutes later but did not make a sound. Thomas was concentrated in learning the new Zangief pile-driver attack. Then Otto said loudly, to frighten his roommate: "Uh, Zangief, hold me, oh!" Thomas choked on the mozzarella stick that was hanging from his mouth and dropped the controller on the floor. He picked up the tore apart package on the desk and threw at Otto, who rapidly sat up and defended himself from the attack, both laughing and shaking their heads.

"You got here late, so I guess the date went well", said Otto reaching for a can of coke next to the now cold popcorn. "Yeah, I got a blow job in the car in the parking lot". Otto did not believe it. "I don't believe it!", he said. Thomas stood up with the controller in his hand and lift his shirt. He had a red circular mark on his stomach that looked like a bruise or rash. He said: "He had a buzz cut. His head rubbed against my stomach the whole time he sucked me and gave me a reverse carpet-buzzhead burn". Otto laughed out loud, covering his mouth with both hands not to wake up the neighbours.

The next morning Otto woke up and looked for Thomas. He limped around the place calling for him and couldn't find his friend. His jacket and nice shoes were not by the door. He looked at his phone. It was 10:13 am. He looked at his messages and there was one from Thomas. "Hey Wot," - that was his nickname - "Good morning. Andrew invited me for breakfast at Kina's. I was thinking of grabbing coffee and donuts and bringing him home with me so he could take a look at your foot. Let me know" Otto then noticed that the message was from 9:06 am. Just as he was about to reply, he heard Thomas's car pulling in. He jumped up from the sofa bed and cleaned the table which had leftovers, popcorn, soda cans, laptops, videogames boxes and his annotations from youtube tutorials. He jumped in one foot to the bathroom and turned a cup of mouthwash in like a vodka shot. He ran back to the living room in one foot and ripped the sheets from the sofa-bed, closed it into sofa shape and threw the sheets in the dirty laundry basket in the bathroom. He spit the mouthwash and sat down on the sofa as he heard the keys on the door. Then, it hit him: he was wearing nothing but boxer shorts.

When Thomas opened the door, he found Otto sitting in his boxers and a white t-shirt on the sofa, looking straight ahead to the wall, covering his lap with some pillows. His right foot toes were clinging to the carpet for dear life. Thomas stopped there with the door open, holding the handle, trying not to laugh, while Andrew asked "What? What?" and jumped over Thomas's shoulders trying to see something.

"So, Otto, this is Aaaannndreeew", said Thomas, closing the door behind him and Andrew. The men shook hands; Otto still sitting on the couch, completely frozen. Andrew sat on the couch next to him, ignoring his new acquaintance's clothing. "Thomas told me you had a pretty nasty bike accident, how are you feeling?", asked Andrew, putting his glasses on. His very broad shoulders were distracting. Otto and Thomas looked at each other. Otto had a look of fear on his face, and Thomas wondered why. Thomas shrugged and went into the kitchen, placed the donuts on plates and brought the cups of coffee with him, putting them on the table in front of them. He removed his jacket and stood there watching them next to a chair.

"Uhh, I'm feeling ok". Otto grabbed onto the pillows on his lap. He looked at Andrews shoulders and arms, then looked away. Andrew took a sip from his coffee cup, and placed it on the coffee table. "Can I see it?", he asked. Otto did not move or reply. He wasn't feeling comfortable with the idea of his friends fuck buddy looking at his injury only 5 minutes after meeting him, especially because he was sitting there in boxer shorts and Thomas did not help him at all. In fact, Thomas was holding his laughter the whole time.

Andrew, who was already leaning towards Otto's foot, stopped and said "Don't worry, I'm a doctor". He wasn't. Thomas covered his mouth not to laugh out loud. Otto looked at Andrew's shoulders again, sculpted under the white shirt. He looked away again, but his eyes betrayed him and starred at his neck and chest. Andrew tried to remove the pillows from Otto's lap slowly, but Otto hang on to them like a kitten being taken away from his mother. Thomas then looked at Otto's now red face and realised he wasn't embarrassed to be sitting there in boxers: his long time friend was actually horny for his date.

Andrew offered his lap for Otto to place his foot on, tapping on his large thigh twice. Otto clawed the pillows even stronger. He slowly moved his leg over the sofa onto Andrew's lap. Andrew's hands started to press on Otto's foot, like someone trying to squeeze the last drop of toothpaste out of a tube. Otto groaned in pain. Thomas was slightly aroused by it.

Andrew's hands moved to Otto's ankles, then shin, then up to his thigh. Otto hanged on to the pillows. Andrew continued to massage his legs while asking "Does this hurt?" Every 5 centimeters on the way to his upper thigh. When Andrew got there, Thomas sat next to Otto on the couch. He had a mischievous look on his face. Otto was puzzled. Thomas smiled and pushed Otto back into the couch, and pushed the pillows away from his lap. Otto's boxer shorts now formed a big tent. Andrew massaged Otto's thigh, reaching inside his boxers every now and then, teasing him. He and Thomas looked at each other. Otto noticed what was about to happen. Andrew unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed his chin against Otto's boner. Thomas held Otto's head and looked straight into his eyes, and then to his lips. Otto held Andrew's head in his hands feeling the short buzzed prickly hair. All of them took a deep breath in anticipation.

-- End

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