JS String Methods
Remember that methods are actions we can perform. JS provides a number of string methods. We call, or use, these methods by appending an instance (object) with a period (the dot operator), the name of the method, and opening and closing parentheses: e.g. 'Hello'.methodName(). Does that syntax look a little familiar? When we use console.log() we’re calling the .log() method on the console object. Let’s see console.log() and some real string methods in action! console.log('hello'.toUpperCase());...
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Git Commit Types
feat: Creates a new feature fix: Fixes a previously discovered failure/bug chore: changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don't modify src or test files (for example updating dependencies) docs: Changes which exclusively affects documentation refactor: Refactor without any change in functionality or API (includes style changes) perf: Improves performance without any change in functionality or API style: changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, likely related to code format...
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