JS String Methods
August 23, 2023•192 words
Remember that methods are actions we can perform. JS provides a number of string methods.
We call, or use, these methods by appending an instance (object) with a period (the dot operator), the name of the method, and opening and closing parentheses: e.g. 'Hello'.methodName()
Does that syntax look a little familiar? When we use console.log()
we’re calling the .log()
method on the console
object. Let’s see console.log()
and some real string methods in action!
console.log('hello'.toUpperCase()); // Prints 'HELLO'
console.log('Hey'.startsWith('H')); // Prints true
Let’s look at each of the lines above:
On the first line, the .toUpperCase()
method is called on the string instance 'hello'
. The result is logged to the console. This method returns a string in all capital letters: 'HELLO'
On the second line, the .startsWith()
method is called on the string instance 'Hey'
. This method also accepts the character 'H'
as an input, or argument, between the parentheses. Since the string 'Hey'
does start with the letter 'H'
, the method returns the boolean true
You can find a list of built-in string methods in the following websites: