
Talented at solving hard problems, struggling to accomplish daily tasks.

How to Seek Guidance from Your Inner Voice

Terence McKenna places the concept of the beautiful in the category easy to assertain. I find this notion poetic and empowering. Ask a man what is good and the response will be tricky to navigate. Ask a man what is true and the response will be trickier still. But show a man a photograph and ask him if it is beautiful, and when honest, his answer will be suprisingly clear. This distinction has stuck with me, and in the past year, I've moved the concept of the beautiful to the center of my phi...
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Action - and Collaborating with the World

I spent the last five years in intentional effort seeking to articulate my philosophical and religious beliefs. It was a fun and challenging process that culminated in a talk that I recently presented at a local group. Articulation is great, but for me, for now, that process is over. I'm now entering a process of moving forward, of moving from words to action. Now action is great, but it does involve something fundamentally different than my previous introspective quest, namely: collaboration. ...
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What Shall We Do?

The Question Can you answer the question "what shall we do"? As in, what are we as people, supposed to do today? Continuing, what shall we do tomorrow? I find this is a question I return to over and over again. I enjoy philosophising and self reflecting. Once in that theoretical world, there are a multitude of questions and a multitude of levels on which you can analyze this human experience. I like the question what shall we do because it has immediate real-world consequences. It cuts directl...
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