1. References
October 10, 2019•303 words
I found a good paper giving a summary of energy production and renewable electricity generation in Malawi from 2015. Definitely worth a read.
http://www.scielo.org.za/pdf/jesa/v26n2/03.pdfAnd a slightly older one from 2012.
https://file.scirp.org/pdf/EPE_2013010415455754.pdfThis page has some interesting statistics on Malawi energy production and consumption.
Quite humorous that it says "Malawi can provide itself completely with self-produced energy" which simply means it's using as much as it's producing, but ignores the fact that around 90% of the population don't have electricity. But amazing that per capita production is 78kWh vs Europe's 5900kWh, and obviously a carbon footprint proportional to that.Electricity price list on ESCOM’s website
That puts the domestic (pre-paid, single-phase like UK) option at 47.5 Mk/KWh which translates to around 5.3p/KWh.
By comparison, I pay Bulb 13.3p/KWh in the UK. I think the Malawian price is subsidised at the lowest levels.Energy production in Malawi is subject to the acts created in 2004 and subequent ones
https://www.meramalawi.mw/index.php/legislation/category/2-legislationMalawi National Energy Policy 2018
https://energy.gov.mw/index.php/resource-centre/documents/policies-strategies?download=15:energy-policyMalawi Department of Energy Affairs, following on from the Energy Policy of 2018, a Malawi Electricty Access Project has been initiated with $150 million in funding from the World Bank ($144m credit, $6m grant)
https://www.energy.gov.mw/index.php/projects/malawi-electricty-accessWorld Bank document on the Malawi Electricity Access Project (05/2019)
http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/520771561341715792/pdf/Malawi-Electricity-Access-Project.pdfA recent (04/2019) report from a US body suggesting the opportunity for independent power producers in Malawi
https://www.export.gov/article?id=Malawi-EnergyESCOM tariff document for 2018-2022, detailing current average purchase price from energy suppliers to be 49Mk/kWh = £0.055/kWh, which is similar to the UK
For comparison, here are some references for the UK
Ofgem website with wholesale electricity prices in the UK, seems to fluctuate around the 5p/kWh mark as well
https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/data-portal/all-charts/policy-area/electricity-wholesale-marketsWikipedia page on solar power in the UK