Hello world!


I've been searching for an effortles way to start blogging without too much of a hassle but then I came across Standard Notes and from there found the Listed service which is sort of integrated with Standard Notes.

So now I'm effectively bloggin from the note taking app.. We'll see what I'll be rambling here about, migth be something related to cybersecurity, Azure, QubesOS or who knows what.

A few words about the Standard Notes

I've previously tried the Standard Notes, but didn't like it at the time.
Now returning to it I find a lot of promise through the extensions, themes and editors.
Dark theme is a must and that is available. Doh.

I especially like the fact that I can have my simple spreadsheets as notes here, but also the fact that markdown is supported and there are editors for it, with a preview.

Feel free to check back at times or subscribe if there anything of value

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