Silent Void - How Silence Affects Us
Silence is a tricky thing. At times, it can be amazing and intrinsically wondrous. Other times, it can be daunting and frightful. Which form silence takes on in any given moment is far too volatile and dependent on numerous factors that we may or may not be able to control. Perhaps, that is the most terrifying part of it all? Our mind can be a precarious place that is filled with old demons around every corner plotting their next move to force us on a rollercoaster of deceit if we do not contro...
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A Healed Me Is Better Than An Unbroken Me
F*%$#!!!! Phew - okay, got that out of my system… now let’s deal with this. —— If you’re like me, that sudden urge to internally (or externally) scream has been a common occurrence lately. Life has been one heck of a brutal partner on this journey we call an existence. Curveball after curveball it has been exhausting and sometimes it seems like it will never end. Fortunately, and this can be a difficult thing to remember and truly believe, but life… it goes on - as Robert Frost says. —— As...
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The Secret Power Of Giving A Damn
Picture this. A new hire walks in to the office. They are smiling all around with a pep in their step eager to tackle their first problem of the day. A coworker mentions that there is a new ticket in the help desk from the infamous business manager (we all know one).  The new hire sees this as a perfect opportunity to show their technical chops to everyone and get on the good side of the business manager. They offer to pick the ticket up to see what the issue is and whether they can assist. T...
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The Catalyst That Is Kindness
In a world that is obsessed with efficiency and results, it is odd that there can be so little thought behind one’s next move. The push for analytics and year-over-year growth and profits has become a blinding light that promotes the reduction of humans to mere numbers. Once exciting journeys traversing the internet and media have become disturbing treks through a wasteland of bad news. It is understandable how so many of us have become hopeless and pessimistic craving the time of day where we c...
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Enjoying Simplicity In Life
Last year I had a big revelation. Unfortunately, it was triggered by a devastating event that was not fun to deal with and nor was it easy. Fortunately, though, it led me to a life-changing shower-thought that has stuck with me for many months thus far and perhaps permanently - I hope. —- Early last year I began questioning if I had succumbed to the ever growing trend to be busy all the time looking for my next big move or million dollar idea. It was fuelled by the thought that by my mid-to-...
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Are We Losing Our Human Connection?
It is no surprise that artificial intelligence like ChatGPT and the ever-growing reliance on technology has many both optimistic, but scared for the future. The innovative solutions to problems and overall efficiencies that have or will come could change lives - have changed lives. But I, like a number of people, also have reservations on what it means for society and overall communication on a human level. Technological advances have enabled our world to be the most connected world year-over...
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