Ken G

IT professional with 40+ years of experience. 11x AWS Certified Engineer, Experienced HPC administrator, DB2 Oracle SqlServer experienced DBA. Sharing some day to day challenges and key learnings.

Build a Slurm Desktop Cluster

Desktop Abaqus Slurm Cluster This is a guide to create a Slurm Cluster using NUC computers to allow for development and testing of Abaqus simulations with a desktop form factor. Table of Contents Hardware Overview Software Overview Install Steps Hardware Overview The hardware stack we are using are: Head Node - GMKtec Mini PC, Intel N100 (3.4GHz) 16GB 1TB M2 View on Amazon Compute Nodes - 3 Geekom XT12 Pro Mini PCs 12th Gen Intel i9-12900H 14 cores - 32GB. View on Amazon D-Link 5-Port...
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Build Slurm Reporting Tables using sacct output.

I was looking for a way to build reporting from the output of the Slurm sacct command. Here's my first take on building it. My goal is to build a month to date table throughout the month when push it to a history table. I used a mysql database. Build Database/Tables: create database slurmrpt; use slurmrpt; CREATE TABLE monthly_activity ( jobid int, user varchar(255), state varchar(255), jobname varchar(255), spartition varchar(255), ncpus int, nnodes int, seconds int(10), start_da...
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Install Slurm Rest API Ubuntu 22.04

Install Slurm Rest API: The Slurm Rest API provides an endpoint to allow for submitting jobs, listing running jobs and other Slurm commands. Installing the API server consists of the following components: Database - I installed mysql. slurmdbd - Slurm Database Daemon. slurmrestd - Interface to Slurm via REST API. Configure slurm JWT support: Slurm JWT Documentaion dd if=/dev/random of=/var/spool/slurm/statesave/jwt_hs256.key bs=32 count=1 chown slurm:slurm /var/spool/slurm/statesave/jwt...
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Simple Grafana Docker Script

I was looking for a quick way to spin up a Grafana dashboard that would persist data between restarts. Add the directories: /apps/ /apps/grafana/ /apps/grafana/data/ /apps/grafana/scripts cat !/bin/bash start grafana docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana \ --volume /apps/grafana/data:/var/lib/grafana \ -e "GFINSTALLPLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel" \ grafana/grafana-enterprise ...
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