Timing is an Art

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi popularized the concept of "flow," in which a person becomes completely immersed in the current task or activity.

"Fall into Flow" is an activity/game to help one potentially have this experience and offers a way to distract (the player) from distractions.

It's a simple game (with no sound FX or music), with the objective to dissolve the number of blocks that you set, before that number of blocks fall off of the screen. The blocks progressively increase their speed after so many blocks are dissolved. After each round of play (or after tapping "E," which will end the game), the blocks spawn faster on the screen.

There's no winning or losing, as the aim is to aid in flow.

Some of the tenents of flow:

✅Clear Goals
✅Immediate Feedback
✅Balance of Challenge
✅Balance of Skill
✅Sense of Control
✅Loss of Self-Consciousness
✅Altered Sense of Time

This is what you see if you visit Amazon Appstore (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DM4T5QMN/ref=apps_sf_sta).

A lot of things don't happen "in time" and building this activity app was supposed to be a weekend project. I 100% failed at the weekend project part. It's a mash of being creative and learning code syntax and a bunch of lightbulbs going off, at different times. I experienced flow creating a game app about flow. Pretty dope.


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