Cooking on Level 4

Not so much medium-low heat, but there's only three stages on Fall into Flow. It was very intentional.

1) Most def, I wanted more "stuff" in it, but get the basics down and don't catch perfectionist paralysis.
2) Every platform has a learning curve. So, less time learning + building and just ship it.
3) Where there's enough substance (the intent behind the app and within the app/game play), the app will provide momentum and tempo, on it's own.

More on #3

I needed to build this game app. The itch to make, dig the ruts out, and to practice "break and grow." There's a routine that got us where we are and doing something different forces (or persuades) growth. If one ever finds the self in an echo chamber, silo, feedback loop, or the same ol same ol, do something different. Be it (literally) take one step slower or put the other shoe on first, etc. If there's enough luck, one will learn something new. A quick way to boost intelligence and learn something new, is to do whatever is normally done with the opposite hand. Hopefully, there's a string of changes and one can establish momentum and break free. Then flow in tempo.

Stage 4 is in the works.


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