A decade of change

[016] ... [Trends], [Technology]

Over the past six to ten years there's a marked change in people, as most of us have observed. Ever since social media has become main stream, this aspect has got so much strengthened, may be to a point of nausea. I am referring to the way politics has seeped into our daily lives. It probably used to be on the cards for a short while when a new government was due to get installed, either the same managing to come back or some other, and the minds of people used to get cleared off the brief process once done, to say let's get back to work. Let the elected do theirs and we mind ours.

Barring the few actively involved all the time, or those of a particular region who pore over daily news for the specific, one used to have better things to attend to, than argue, support, or defend the side they prefer. Friends, colleagues or relatives were just that, with nothing coming in-between, least of all politics that has now begun to draw a line. Looks like everyone has turned political these days, thanks to, or is it curse the god-damn social media that's mercilessly being used and manipulated to influence (read brainwash) one and all. The susceptible among them get so much carried away by everything that appears as a meme, lengthy forwards, anonymous assertions and allegations, to an extent that you wonder if they ever read the newspapers, bother to fact-check, or able to see through. The electronic media seems no different, each content to represent one side than act as news sources, concerned with gaining a large viewership than bother about the damages they are imparting.

Personally I managed to move out of such messaging and other platforms that have turned to products of fake and purported news, and never once regretted, feeling better off using the bandwidth to be productive. We can't change or even wrongfully expect the world to go back in time, but obviously can do it to ourselves without much efforts. You can be very much in though being out...

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