Periodic confusion

[069] ... [General]

Often we come across certain odd ways of writing both in print and the way someone communicates or fills an application. We were told to use a period or a dot for the initials when it formed part of a name. There wasn't much explanation on the need and we just followed. Usually everyone had initials in two parts, the first signifying the native place of the family followed by father's name. No doubt the way of naming isn't constant all over.

There are other names of companies etc., where the period is used to abbreviate long words. The mentioned oddity refers to the way periods are used in such contexts. A company name like XYZ Private Limited is seen shortened to XYZ Pvt Ltd or XYZ Pvt. Ltd.. I too used to wonder which way to express it, till I asked my father long ago, who was a man of letters. I believe a period connotes an incomplete word, and if the last letter of the abbreviation is same as the last letter of the full word, a period isn't required. Only when the last of the abbreviation is not, when formed to easily identify the word. In essence XYZ Pvt. Ltd is the correct form where the word Private is shortened much before the last e, and Ltd without the period is because D forms the last in both.

Of course, this kind of subjects may not appeal to all since no one cares, but just came to mind on seeing someone's name written oddly. Like John.P.E that looked strange for the period inserted before the initial P, and missing after E. Not sure if the person intended others to read it backwards or just mirrored the two. It wouldn't have been noticeable if put in the standard P.E.John, but then each is entitled to express their way. It's just an observation...

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