Bug Update!
My previous post talked about a bug that I'd discovered in Kotlin's new K2 compiler. I dutifully filed a bug report in the Kotlin issue tracker, and the bug is now under active investigation as issue KT-68521. Unsurprisingly, the issue has been given a priority of Major, and it looks like a fix has been targeted for version 2.0.10. That sounds like it could be some way off, if all of those intermediate point releases 2.0.1 through 2.0.9 are to be public releases. Perhaps some of them will be in...
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I found a compiler bug
A few years ago, I gave programming language Kotlin a try, liked what I saw, even taught it for a short period as part of a course on Android mobile app development. Then, for various reasons, I put it to one side. The recent release of Kotlin 2.0.0, with its brand-new K2 compiler, prompted me to revisit the language and get reacquainted with it. But it seems I may have uncovered a bug in that shiny new compiler. The issue concerns properties in classes. A property is essentially an abstractio...
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I've been a fan of Canadian rock band Rush since my early teens. Some older die-hard fans get a bit snooty about the band's very keyboard-driven mid-period, but I'm not one of those people. I'm especially fond of their 1985 album Power Windows, and, in particular, the track "Territories". Recently, I found myself thinking once again about this track, specifically about its lyrics. In these very uncertain times, blighted by horrific conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, drummer & lyricist Neil Pear...
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Giving Blogging Another Try
Blogging and I have had an off-and-on relationship. I tried Blogger for a while, back in the day, and later on the more minimalist Silvrback. I even dallied with self-hosting a little, experimenting with the static site generators Pelican and then Hugo on my own website. For whatever reason, none of it stuck. I'm not so naïve as to think that the reasons for this are merely technological. They obviously have a lot to do with motivation, state of mind, etc. On the other hand, I find myself us...
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