It's Objectively Simple

What stands between me right now and the best possible version of myself is objectively simple.

Not easy.

In fact, it's really hard.

But it's simple.

What I mean is that everyone knows objectively what to do to get better at anything in life whether it's running faster, losing fat, saving more money, or getting better at another language.

In any of those cases, it's simple. Here are the answers, respectively:

Run more and harder. Eat healthier foods and fewer calories. Spend less than you earn and invest the rest. Deliberately practice that foreign language.

Objectively simple. Difficult in practice.

The point is, I don't need more information. I don't need more motivation. I don't more gear.

What I need is to get after it. I need to stop making excuses. And I need to put in the time and focus.

It's that simple. If I really want to be better, I'll make it happen.

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