Assigning Records to users on a team
Received a recommendation today for Distribution Engine as a solution in Salesforce for routing records to users using various methodologies. ...
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How Apex Code Coverage Works
An often misunderstood aspect of Salesforce development is how the code coverage numbers are calculated. Here's a throwback article the Salesforce Developer blog that explains the calculation in detail and how it can be different than the result you get when deploying. Note to self: If you want to make sure you're getting a more pure result of code coverage (especially the lines covered) from the specif...
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Personal Organization: The PARA Method
It's a bit cliche to be thinking about personal organization around the new year, but the gaps in my current method of capturing, organizing, and using information became painfully clear last year and I have a bit of breathing room in my schedule to explore some new habits. I tripped over this article about the PARA method from Forte Labs this week and am intrigued by the ideas and it appears to be exactly what I need. In particular, Tiago does a good job of articulating of the problem I've ...
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Edge case date issues in APEX
Chris Peterson tweeted a good reminder this morning that the subtle difference between YYYY and yyyy in the Java date format can lead to unexpected date bugs in your APEX code around this time of year. For most of the year, the output of Datetime.format('MM/dd/YYYY') and Datetime.format('MM/dd/yyyy') will appear to be interchangeable and all your tests will seem to pass. The java date format documentation doesn't make it particularly clear that the YYYY year format is using the ISO week date...
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Lightning Component input and output behavior in Salesforce Flows
When using lightning components in flows, the behavior of input and output variables can be really strange when navigating backward through the process. Should the component remember its default value or if the value has mutated, should it use the new value? I've struggled with this a couple times on client work. While not perfect, Alex Edelstein shares some tricks to getting it to behave the way you want. UnofficialSF ...
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Death of good conversation
The attempt to change someone's mind is the death of good conversation. - Celeste Headless - Jordan Harbinger Show ep. 423 ...
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I am...
We've been fooled into believing that titles like writer, leader, or artist are birthrights. Something we either are or aren't. That leaders are given talents or privileges, not choices. If you want to be a leader, then lead. If you want to be a writer, then write. Once you begin, you are. Do, then be. - Seth Godin - The Practice ...
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Effective goals aren't based on the result. They are commitments to the process. That commitment is completely under your control (even if the end result can't be) but the only way to have a commitment is to begin. - Seth Godin - The Practice ...
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Create Static Resources in SFDX Source Format
Static resources can be a single file or a zipped collection of files. If the resource is a collection of files, the SFDX CLI will automatically zip and unzip the files when it does a push or pull. The default path in an SFDX project is force-app/main/default/staticresources To create a new zipped resource Create a new directory inside the staticresources directory and give it the name of the static resource. Add a metadata file in the new directory with the name: <folder name>.resou...
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First Commit
git commit -m 'First Commit' Trying out Listed as a better way of keeping track of the things I'm learning. ...
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