
pavel shermayster

Fullstack developer at Sage Taking a web platform to extreme with Web Worker, Indexeddb and React

Main purpose of TDD is reducing congnitive load

Programming is very demanding task Our ability to hold details is very limited TDD is about de load amount on things you need to think about them It's an ability to progress with your thinking and design with a closes feedback loop. it's ok to delete a code. It's ok to delete or change your tests along the way ...
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Working with large datasets in a browser: Libraries to work with IndxedDB

IndexedDB is an interesting technology. With it you can build close to native web apps without installing it to your user computer. But working with it is far from pleasant. Here we can take a look how to improve your developer experience to work with IndexedDB. First of all there no right wrong library. Every tool is solving some problem and you should find a tool that fits your need. IDB and IDB-keyval https://github.com/jakearchibald/idb It's basically same IndexedDB API, but wrapped wit...
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