Setting up blog
September 4, 2020•297 words
Hello World
This would be the place where I blabber about anything, ranging from myself, what I come across, technical, spiritual and what not. By the way, the ranged asortment by Standard Notes is what I'm starting to love. Bummer that I cannot have a combination of content put up in different editors. I had been putting off blogging for long time. I wanted to publish it on my own website but this is fine too. Can't do everything on my own. Yet. I'm writing this blog with the Mark Down Pro editor. I found it least bothering but it has its cons. It is similar to StackOverflow's editor.
I was actually planing to deploy a simple Angular blog doing precisly what I'm paying Standard Notes service to do. Recently, I took competitive programming to sharpen my skills. I SUCK at it. But I'm at it. The setup that I have is C++17 with VS2019 and I've been publishing the code on github. I would really prefer javascript but sites like CodeChef takes Rhino and NodeJs, need to learn that too. My rating fell, obviously, when I took part in the recent August Lunctime. Couldn't even solve the first problem. The question was a statistics problem, so I decided to brush up the fundamentals on HackerRank as well. I aim to become the best over time.
I feel somewhat good that I'm blogging. Haven't shared this blog with anyone, may share if I start writing somthing useful. I hope I don't stop this habit.
Turns out I can publish this blog on my own domain, will try it out. Using Route 53 along with S3 bucket to store Angular's output files.
Blog should be available at, was also able to customize css