
For me happiness is peace but most people confuse happiness with joy, excitement, surprises and pleasure. Happiness should be constant and should remain like that atleast untill something happens. Those mentioned about are just your brain hormones getting High ( excited ) if what I feel. Apart from there is no shortcut to know how this feels unless you cut off everything and practice the search of peace of mind. Prescriptions are not going to help in any way. ...
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The concept of love

Starting with this quote, If you are everywhere You are no where By a Stoic, i don't remember What does he mean by that, In my terms he is talking about dividing our love each time a new person is added to the list. You can love your one parnter more if you stopped talking to your friends, this an actual fact it seems that one relationship of yours can cost you 2 hard friendship, because you are investing your time, energy, love into that one person only and we all want to make our partner fe...
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Knowledge vs education

Institutional education is just a basic knowledge everyone needs to have. If you take science you need this this and if take commerce you need this this. That is just formulas, in math to solve a problem you need formulas what are formulas they are basis knowledge of the sum your given to solve. Institutional education not the dot to your education, if it were what makes you unique, we all are unique and you need properly polish the knowledge you have. Getting a degree or masters is not to say t...
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