PEP498 - Literal String Interpolation
I hate myself for not knowing that this PEP has existing for Python 3.6. While checking out task processing frameworks (mainly dramatiq), I found an example using f-strings and my mouth dropped to the floor. Previously I was doing a lot of my string formatting using the **locals() trick, which is considered a bad practice. This trick allows me to auto-format a format string with local variables without too much hassle. (name, value,) = ('favorite number', 37,) print('{name} is {value}'.format...
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Learning Resources
Over the last couple years I've come to continually recommend several resources and online utlities to fellow developers trying to learn something new. A lot of people I work and hang out with ask me for resources on how to quickstart with a new language (typically Python) or a framework. So, here is a quick listing of some things I've mentally bookmarked as useful. Python Because I sorta specialize in Python development, I tried to pick some actually useful resources to mid-level developer...
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