Applied Minimalism

Minimalism itself can be viewed as a layered life system …


The reduction system is pretty self explanatory. Using a variety of tools and techniques in combination with the other sub-systems a person could build a resilient and self perpetuating system of systems.

Reduce, minimize, declutter and trash. Spend little to no time “sorting” or “organizing” as these are just synonyms for shifting and compartmentalizing the real problem. When implementing this sub-system be sure to carefully and intentionally root out the nonsense of your life.

Routinization is another key principle of minimalism and is great for time management.

Combining the procedural system of reduction with the reinforcement system of routinization is, in my opinion, the best application of numerous minimalist practices.

Practice and assess each task and goal. Once habituation of the reduction system is in play, it will compound the efficiency of both reduction and routinization sub-systems.

Refinement is the third layer to this life-system of minimalism. To reiterate, these “sub-systems” are not cogs or gears of the whole. This is merely a way of representing various elements of how I apply minimalism to everyday life. All 3 sub-systems must be present for the greater system to operate effectively.

However, these sub-systems are like 3 aspects of minimalism super imposed to reveal a working system of systems all wrapped up in itself. Just like a fractal you can make it as large or as small as your perception enables you.

In general the term “minimal” is quite succinct. Yet we sometimes need more reiteration, practice and time to grasp it's true impact.

A huge impediment to “putting my finger on it” with this whole life system thing is that I have had the solution the whole time.

I kept thinking that I could create a more complex system from simpler subsystems. But in order to achieve a true living feeling to the life system I need something even more granular yet also more fine. Something self contained and self improving, applicable on all scales of thought and operation as well as easy to communicate and apply.

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