Transforming and Flattening Data

Transforming and flattening lists A while back I had a the need to take what were essentially audit logs, where multiple records existed for each id, and flatten then into a single record for each id. I pulled the data into python from a database as a list of over 100,000 tuples. Here is an example of the data I was looking at. RECORD,ID,OLD_VALUE,NEW_VALUE,DATE,TABLE,COLUMN 1, id1, value1, value2, 02/01/2020, table1, column1 2, id1, value2, value3, 02/02/2020, table1, column1 3, id1, valu...
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Auto-Login to Multiple KeePass Databases

Depending on the need, I use a couple of different password managers. For many things I use 1Password, primarily for it's multi-user support. Some a few things I use a couple of KeePass databases. I log into the two KeePass databases everyday, and the manual work of getting all of it open became tiresome. The process I followed everyday: Open KeePass Login to which ever account I last logged into1 Then File > Open, navigate to and select my second database2 Login to the second database ...
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iPhone Screen Repair Note - Touch Sensor

I recently replaced the screens of an iPhone 5S and an iPhone 6S and run into one specific issue that wasn't specified in any of the instructions I used for the process. [Note 1: This issue doesn't apply to the iPhone 7, 7+, 8, or 8+] When moving the home button to the replacement screen, make sure that the bracket mounting screws are not tightened much at all. If the screws are too tight the home button will not click. To prevent this, only lightly tighten the screws until they hit resistance...
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