Walking Sticks for Climbing

A walking stick for climbing is an auxiliary device used in mountaineering. Walking sticks can bring many benefits to outdoor mountaineering and crossing activities, such as improving the stability of walking and reducing the burden on the legs. According to research, using walking sticks while walking can reduce at least 22% of the force applied to the muscles and joints such as the legs and knees, making the legs feel more comfortable! And using two walking sticks at the same time can provide better balance.

Basic Structure

  1. Handle
    The handle is usually made of EVA, rubber, cork, plastic, and other materials, and each material has the following characteristics:
    EVA: comfortable to hold, full and elastic, not affected by seasons, the material has the function of absorbing sweat;
    Rubber: full of grip, hard and easy to crack in winter, does not have the function of absorbing sweat, easy to be slippery in summer;
    Cork: the grip is full, not affected by the season, the material has the function of absorbing sweat, easy to wear and desquamate;
    Plastic: poor grip, easy to crack in winter, slippery in summer, but low cost, cheap and convenient.

  2. Pole
    The material of the strut is usually aluminum alloy, carbon fiber, titanium alloy, wood, steel, and other materials, among which aluminum alloy and carbon fiber are the most widely used, and several materials have the following characteristics:
    Aluminum alloy: strong and durable, inexpensive, heavier than carbon fiber and titanium alloy, easy to corrode;
    Carbon fiber: light, good material elasticity, and toughness, high strength ratio, corrosion resistance, high price;
    Titanium alloy: light, good elasticity, and strength, corrosion resistance, high price.

  3. Clay holder
    The mud holder can prevent the walking sticks from sinking into the mud. However, the environment through which the mountain climbs are mostly thorny and bushy, and the mud holder will hinder the convenience of movement. Therefore, it should be noted that the mud holder should be able to be disassembled and assembled quickly, so as not to cause trouble.

  4. The tip of the stick
    The tip of the stick is made of rubber head, iron, carbon tungsten steel, etc. Carbon tungsten steel is the hardest, the most expensive, and the cheapest rubber head, but it is also less able to cope with rough outdoor terrain, and its wear resistance is not as good as that of carbon tungsten steel head. The common patterns of the tip of the stick are reticulated patterns, diamond patterns, lattice patterns, etc. Among them, the diamond pattern has the best slip resistance and penetration.

View more: https://www.trade-global.com/walking-sticks.html

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