Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 12:36 PM

I'm the worst I've ever been. It's probably not true, but it feels like it right now. Not a day goes by that I don't break down and cry. Not a single day. Not. A. Day.

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. It's almost June now. Which means I've had tears streaming down my cheeks for approximately 150 days in a row now.

Very few people know. The only one who truly knows is me. How it is. What it feels like. What it feels like to be that drained; that exhausted.

What it feels like to be so tired that you can barely get out of bed. What it feels like to be so dazed and disoriented from exhaustion that you lose your keys, don't find your car, fail to dress appropriately. Too exhausted to take care of the basics.

And yet the torrent doesn't stop. The torrent of DMs. Of people needing things. Of things needing attention. It doesn't stop. It doesn't stop. Please make it stop.

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