2 Devices I'm Using to Enhance My Oral Hygiene Routine (Beyond Brushing and Flossing)

Studies have shown people with gum disease have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular events.

While the exact nature of the relationship is still being studied, maintaining good oral health is important for reducing the risk of heart disease. Since the mouth is one of the main entry points for all kinds of stuff to get in, it makes sense keeping it clean and well-maintained is important for managing overall inflammation in the body.

Fortunately, I’ve gone most of my life without dental issues. I haven't had any cavities as an adult and my dentist always commends me on this. However, I believe in continuous improvement, especially when it comes to health. With that, I’ve started using two additional devices to maintain good oral hygiene.

1. Waterpik Water Flosser

I bought this on a whim when I saw it on sale on Amazon. I've always wanted to try one, hoping it would replace traditional flossing. I've been annoyed with flossing lately, as the floss often breaks, and I was hoping to find a better alternative.

After trying it out, I found that the Waterpik works well for dislodging soft pieces of food that aren’t too stuck. However, it's not a great replacement for flossing, which is better for removing stubborn debris. So I’ve been using it more as a supplement to brushing and flossing.

I've started using it in the afternoons immediately after lunch to give my teeth a quick power rinse. I’m hoping this will prevent plaque from building up on the insides of the teeth and around the gum line and reduce the amount of scraping needed during my dental visits every six months.

2. Tongue Scraper

A tongue scraper is a piece of stainless steel used to clean the tongue after brushing. I didn't know these existed until about a year ago when I read about them on esoteric health Twitter. I figured I'd give it a shot, since it was inexpensive and easy to use. I got a pair for about seven dollars on Amazon.

I am quite impressed with the tongue scraper. For such a simple piece of equipment, the gunk it removes from the back of the tongue is remarkable. After seeing it first hand, I can’t imagine allowing that to build up every day.

I've started using it twice a day, as it's a quick five-second habit to add to my daily brushing routine. I highly recommend this for everyone.

Esoteric health Twitter is a natural gateway into esoteric dental Twitter and I'm learning about all kinds of alternative forms of dental care (apparently, fluoride is unnecessary, "coconut oil pulling" is a thing, and there are these magical things called NOBS toothpaste tablets that people swear by).

More to come as I experiment further in this realm.

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