a (probably incomprehensive) list of my bad habits

This list was created so that I can improve on these bad habits.

  1. Disorganization. I let things pile up on my workspace and am always putting off cleaning it.
  2. Wack sleep schedule. I feel sleepy in the daytime and need to nap. Solution: sleep earlier!
  3. Lack of discipline with drama. I need to focus on academics and not getting involved with flirting, getting hotheaded/jealous, reading too much into things, doing things for other people, etc.
  4. Scattered study habits. Similar to #1, but I get overwhelmed with tasks very easily.
  5. Sometimes too shy with teachers or people. I think this is getting better this year, though.
  6. Susceptible to pressure. I think this is normal and I'm getting better at it.
  7. Replying to texts + email on time. I'm getting better at this.
  8. Think before I speak
  9. Stop losing phones, jackets, computers everywhere! Check when leaving a place!

Old Habits I got over

  1. Going on Instagram, YouTube, or Snap when bored (I deleted Snap and only use YouTube like once a week for entertainment, Instagram once per day. Thanks Opal!!!!)

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