cringey poems from middle school

More evidence why I was a certified hopeless romantic (eye roll). Writing lowkey sucks but I'm posting this for the mems.

I fell slow for you.
I don’t even recall when was the first time we met
If I’d fallen right then I wouldn’t forget
Though I do remember…Last-last November.
The blanket of water vapor hanging above the pool
The bite in the cold air I especially like about winter.
Our group huddled under the overhang, shivering in our swimwear
Waiting to get in the water.
And endless drizzle.
Everything is white though there’s no snow
I’m hugging myself and saying “I’m not cold”
Suddenly I hear you beside me
“Are you saying that so you could get warmer?”
I’m gritting my teeth so they don’t chatter in front of you
I say yes. You chuckle.
I don’t even remember the color of your eyes
I usually do, for every boy that I like
Blue – gray – green – brown
It goes. But yours I don’t know.
Is it green? Or is it blue?
Or is it both?
You had the longest eyelashes that you said
“Kissed your cheeks every time you blinked”
And hazel eyes when they’re under sunlight
Shone all the colors of the redwood trees.
I blame you for all this fantasizing
That day I was finding out my electives
Stupid of me to never have asked for your choices
I cursed when I didn’t get the class I wanted
Then got happy again cuz
You were in it
I like how you don’t care what other people think of you
At least not excessively like some other people these days
(Hate to admit it, but sometimes I’m one of them)
You always like to try things you might not be that good at at first
It really turns me off when people just give up
Afraid of humiliating themselves

It starts the same way every time:
Caught in someone’s blue-green eyes
Noticing how when they smile
There exists possibly nothing else
Pinpoint the classes they share with you
Hoping your seat offered a better view
It starts the same way every time
I forget myself in your eyes.

When you’re the unhappy person in the love triangle:

This poem aged well. These two people (my best friend and guy) ended up dating for an entire year, and after writing this poem I completely stopped having feelings for him and I was genuinely happy for them. However, they broke up April freshman year and she started liking other people. Epitome of the fact that friends are more worth it than a guy.

I didn’t pursue him at the right moment
When he noticed me and was interested in me
In my excitement I decided to tell my best friend about him
But now they seem to get along better than we did
She tells me she’s invested in me and his “relationship”
Tells him to talk to me, and I don’t even know what to say back
‘Cause I know it was forced and he’s more interested in her
And I waste so much energy replying—
Trying to think about some funny thing to say
Which will always end with a monosyllabic response
She knows what to say, she knows how to be funny
She’s not dry or topic-depleted
They discuss those things that seem so trivial but so cute
They have little arguments about who’d win in a fight
They discuss capes and Tom Holland and have actual conversations and I know I’m
being a little brat and they’re a much better match but
It hurts; I don’t even like him like a blooming flower anymore
I’m not mad at her (I’ll never be)
And I’m not mad at him either (No, how could I)
I know I’m not right for him, and it’s just how things are
I want to move on, but right now I’m being slowly eaten up
By some eroding acid; sour, though it’s not jealousy
I don’t know what it is but it’s taking up me
I just want them to be happy together
But it makes me learn a lesson:
To seek after those who see you and have value
And sometimes a match is just not right.

Poems are free:
They’re like white doves flying high in the sky
Out of anyone’s reach
Commas, semicolons, especially periods—
Are all so defining
Don’t cage the bird, please.

“Why would you throw around things? Didn’t you learn from the TV?”

“You hit me first—what’s the difference? What I hurt wasn’t even a human being…”

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