Don't be disheartened. The 4th turning, as convincingly theorized by William Strauss and Neil Howe is upon us regardless. This is the natural ebb and flow of the human condition throughout history. This authoritarian seizure of power by self appointed elite rulers, was always planned to happen, just prior to the cusp of inevitable societal change.  Their plans were to take advantage of the population that has largely never known world changing conflict, suffering and sacrifice, like generations before have endured.


At the inception of America, (the 1st turning in our case), humanity had awakened and prevailed against authoritarians, leading to the American Revolution. This became the greatest organic experiment in freedom and self governance in world history. Our ancestors who faced true adversity and great struggle, understood what was at stake. Their faith in god, morality and their utmost regard for individual self determination, was manifested in our Bill of Rights and Constitution.


but, with the success we achieved developing the greatest country in the world, also came decadence and distraction. An exponentially growing portion of the current population has evolved always knowing, and taking for granted, the bountiful freedom, opportunity and leisure, gifted by the hardships of past patriots. This has led them to largely deprioritize a reverence for god. This void is filled with indulgence, trivial pursuits and material gains. Many average Americans have traded objective thinking, scholastic and spiritual endeavors, and a responsibility for  political awareness... for petty knowledge in cultural pastimes, entertainment and celebrity worship.


In tandem with our natural cultural degradation, The endgame for global enslavement has been in the works for centuries. In order to thwart the next great advancement of our civilization and spirituality for common folk, The most elite of the ruling class have been using soft kill tactics with our food, water, environment and medicines to make us weak, ill and docile.


They work to indoctrinate our children, propagandize and divide us, ripening us for their takeover. They use Hegelian dialectic strategies, creating fear and crisis, so they can later provide the solution. The solution will always strip away more of our rights and freedom. It is commonly welcomed and accepted by the desperate and suffering masses seeking relief. This breeds peoples further capitulation and dependency on the power structure.


The elite meddlers however, have many flaws. In actuality, they are weak and lack empathy. They are self loathing, and their disdain for humanity always leads them to underestimate the human spirit. Our recent American renaissance and populist movement, was completely unexpected. Their belief they are superior to us, caused their over confidence. The upset election of outsider Trump delayed their installment of another puppet to usher in their agenda. This caused an overreaction from the elite powers, to show their hand and fully wield their powers against us. The obvious corruption and bias against the people's champion and his supporters, by politicians, the deep state, media, big tech, Hollywood and compromised religious leaders, was enough to stir and awaken an even more massive group of people who otherwise, would still be asleep.


The now public emergence of the great reset ideology only serves as a corporate rebranding of the their long anticipated New World Order. In the face of this tyranny, There are now more citizens of the world than ever before, embracing the ideology and culture our founding fathers established.


Although, there will be trials and tribulations ahead, the events playing out now are a fearful reaction to what we have achieved. At this time, less has changed than seems. They have stolen some tools, but only have the false veil of victory, and the illusion of power. The real power has, and always will be with the people, as long as they are brave enough to evoke it. We are all here together, and awake. We love god and each other.


Our first of many champions, Trump is still in the game. It may be in a different form, but he can still fight in many ways to preserve our way of life. Now he has the experience, and inside knowledge of the presidency under his belt.


There will be many battles of all forms to come, and there will be great victories, as well as daunting losses. Our heroes will rise and fall... and rise again. In the end, God will act through us as we face evil. This is a time to love thy neighbor and strengthen our community bonds. It is also the time for self refinement of our minds, bodies and spirit. Speak freely and stand strong. Remember we have everything we need to face this head on.