2022-02-14 Chapter 10 - Route53

service-route53-001; AWS Route53 is a managed {{c1::DNS}} service.

service-route53-002; Route53 supports both {{c1::i}}pv4 and {{c1::i}}pv6.

service-route53-003; {{c1::Start of Authority (SOA)}} is a type of DNS record that stores information about the name of the server that supplied data for the zone, who the administrator is and the current version of the data file.

service-route53-004; {{c1::Name Server (NS)}} is a type of DNS record that is used by top-level domain servers to direct traffic to the content DNS server that contains the authoritative DNS records.

service-route53-005; {{c1::Address (A)}} is a type of DNS record which is used by a computer to translate the name of the domain to an IP address.

service-route53-006; A {{c1::time to live (TTL)}} is the length of time in seconds that a DNS record is cached on the resolving server or the user's local PC.

service-route53-007; A {{c1::Canonical Name (CNAME)}} is a type of DNS record that can be used to resolve one domain name to another.

service-route53-008; An {{c1::Alias}} record is a DNS concept specific to AWS. It is used to map resource record sets in a hosted zone to load balancers, CloudFront distributions or S3 buckets that are configured as websites. {{c1::Alias}} records work like CNAME records in that you can map one DNS name to another "target" DNS name.

service-route53-009; Alias records {{c1::can}} map to naked domain names while CNAMES {{c1::cannot}}.

service-route53-010; There are 7 routing policies available with Route53: 1) {{c1::simple routing}} 2) {{c1::weighted routing}} 3) {{c1::latency-based routing}} 4) {{c1::failover routing}} 5) {{c1::geolocation routing}} 6) {{c1::geoproximity routing}} 7) {{c1::multivalue answer routing}}.

service-route53-011; You can purchase domain names directly with AWS. It can take up to {{c1::3 days}} to do so, depending on the circumstances.

service-route53-012; Route53 is not {{c1::region}}-specific.

service-route53-013; {{c1::Simple routing}} in Route53 allows only one record with multiple IP addresses. If you specify multiple values in a record, Route53 returns all values to the user in a {{c1::random}} order.

service-route53-014; {{c1::Weighted routing}} in Route53 allows you to split traffic based on different assigned {{c1::weights}}. For example, you might set 10% of traffic to go to an instance in us-east-1 and 90% of traffic to go to an instance in eu-west-1. {{c1::Weighted routing}} implies multiple A records i.e. one for each separate {{c1::weight}} value.

service-route53-015; You can set health checks on individual record sets in Route53. If a record set fails a health check it'll be {{c1::removed from Route53}} until it {{c1::passes the health check}}. You can set SNS notifications to inform you of failed health checks.

service-route53-016; {{c1::Failover routing policies}} in Route53 are set up in conjunction with health checks. They allow to divert traffic from an active (primary) target to a passive (secondary) target if the health check fails.

service-route53-017; {{c1::Geolocation routing policies}} in Route53 allows you to choose where traffic will be sent based on the users' geographic location. Records contain hard-coded mappings of user locations and target instances.

service-route53-018; {{c1::Route53 traffic flow}} allows you to build a complex routing system combining multiple policies. Policies can be built from scratch or by altering a template providing by AWS.

service-route53-019; {{c1::Geoproximity routing policies}} in Route53 allow Route53 to direct traffic to instances based on the user's geographic locations. They allow you to specify a {{c1::"bias"}} parameter which routes more or less traffic to given resources. These are only available when using {{c1::traffic flow}} routing policies.

service-route53-020; {{c1::Latency-based routing policies}} in Route53 allow you to route traffic based on the lowest network latency for end-user (i.e. the region that will give them the fastest response time).

service-route53-021; {{c1::Multivalue answer routing policies}} in Route53 are basically simple routing + health checks.

service-route53-022; An AAAA record is a type of DNS record. It is the equivalent of an {{c1::A}} record but for {{c1::ipv6}}.

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