THIRTEENTH HOUR (From 5 to 6 AM) Jesus in prison
August 13, 2022•1,924 words
THIRTEENTH HOUR (From 5 to 6 AM) Jesus in prison
My Prisoner Jesus, I have awakened and I do not find You. My heart beats
very strongly; it fidgets with love. Tell me, where are You? My Angel,
bring me to the house of Caiphas. But I go round and round, I search
everywhere, and I do not find You. My Love, hurry, with your hands move
the chains with which You keep my heart bound to Yours, and draw me to
You, that I may take flight and come to throw myself into your arms. And
You, Jesus, my Love, wounded by my voice and wanting my company,
draw me toward You; and I see that they have put You in prison. My heart
exults with joy in finding You, but I feel it wounded with sorrow in seeing
the state to which they have reduced You.
I see You with your hands tied behind You to a column, and with your feet
bound and gripped. I see your most holy Face bruised, swollen and bleeding
from the horrible slaps received. Your most pure eyes are blackened; your
pupils are tired and sad from the vigil; your hair is all disarranged; your Most
Holy Person is all beaten up, and You cannot even help Yourself and clean
Yourself, because You are bound.
And I, O my Jesus, with a sob of crying, clinging to your feet, say: ‘Alas,
how You have been reduced, O Jesus!’
And Jesus, looking at me, answers: “Come, oh my child, and be attentive to
everything you see Me doing, in order to do it together with Me, that I may
continue my Life in you.”
To my amazement, I now see that instead of occupying Yourself with your
pains, with an indescribable love, You think about glorifying the Father, to
compensate Him for all that we owe; and You call all souls around You, to
take all of their evils upon Yourself and give to them all goods. And since
the day is dawning, I hear your most sweet voice say: “Holy Father, I give
You thanks for all I have suffered and for all that is left for Me to suffer. And
just as this dawn calls the day and the day makes the sun rise, so may the
dawn of Grace arise in all hearts; and as daylight rises, may I, Divine Sun,
rise in all hearts and reign over all. Do you see these souls, O Father? I want
to answer You for all of them, for their thoughts, words, works and steps - at
the cost of blood and death.”
My Jesus, Love with no boundaries, I unite myself to You, and I too thank
You for all that You have made me suffer, and for all that is left for me to
suffer. And I pray You to make the dawn of Grace arise within all hearts,
so that You, Divine Sun, may rise again in all hearts and reign over them.
But I also see, my sweet Jesus, that You repair for all the very first thoughts,
affections and words, which, at the rising of the day, are not offered to You
to honor You; and that You call to Yourself, as though in custody, the
thoughts, the affections and the words of the creatures, in order to repair for
them and give to the Father the glory they owe Him.
My Jesus, Divine Master, since we have one hour free in this prison and we
are alone, not only do I want to do what You are doing, but I want to clean
You, fix your hair, and fuse myself completely in You. So I draw near your
most sacred head, and in rearranging your hair, I want to repair for so many
minds, distraught and full of earth, which have not one thought for You.
Fusing myself in your mind, I want to reunite all the thoughts of creatures
within You and fuse them in your thoughts, in order to find sufficient
reparation for all evil thoughts, and for so many suffocated enlightenments
and inspirations. I would like to make all thoughts one with Yours, to give
You true reparation and perfect glory.
My afflicted Jesus, I kiss your eyes, sad and filled with tears. Having your
hands bound to the column, You cannot dry them, nor remove the spit with
which they smeared You. And since the position in which they bound You
is excruciating, You cannot close your tired eyes to take rest. My Love, how
gladly would I offer You my arms as bed, to give You rest. I want to dry
your eyes, ask for your forgiveness, and repair for all the times we have not
had the aim of pleasing You, and of looking at You to see what You
wanted from us, what we were supposed to do, and where You wanted us
to go. I want to fuse my eyes in Yours, and also those of all creatures, to be
able to repair with your own eyes for all the evil we have done with our
My compassionate Jesus, I kiss your most holy ears, tired from the insults
of the whole night, and much more so from the echo of all the offenses of
creatures which resounds in your hearing. I ask for your forgiveness, and I
repair for all the times You have called us and we have been deaf, or we
have pretended not to hear You; and You, my weary Good, have repeated
your calls – but in vain! I want to fuse my hearing in Yours, and also that of
all creatures, to make a continuous and complete reparation.
Enamored Jesus, I adore and kiss your most holy Face, all bruised by the
slapping. I ask for forgiveness and I repair for all the times You have called
us to offer reparation, and we, uniting to your enemies, have given You
slaps and spit. My Jesus, I want to fuse my face in Yours, to restore your
natural beauty, giving You full reparation for all the contempt given to your
adorable Majesty.
My embittered Good, I kiss your most sweet mouth, hurt by blows and
parched by love. I want to fuse my tongue in Yours, and also the tongues
of all creatures, in order to repair with your own tongue for all sins and evil
discourses. And I want, my thirsty Jesus, to unite all voices into one with
Yours, so that, when we are about to offend You, as your voice flows in
those of all creatures, it may suffocate the voices of sin and turn them into
voices of praise and of love.
Chained Jesus, I kiss your neck, oppressed by heavy chains and by ropes,
which, going from your chest to the back of your shoulders and passing
through your arms, keep You bound, very tightly, to the column. Your
hands are already swollen and blackened from the tightness of the knots,
and they spurt blood from several points. O please, allow me to release You,
my bound Jesus; and if You love to be bound, allow me to bind You with
the chains of love, which, being sweet, instead of making You suffer, will
soothe You. And as I release You, I want to fuse myself in your neck, in
your chest, in your shoulders, in your hands, in your feet, to be able to repair
together with You for all attachments, and therefore give to all the chains of
your love; to be able to repair with You for all the coldness, and so fill the
breasts of all creatures with your fire, as I see that You have so much of it,
that You are unable to contain it; and to be able to repair with You for all
illicit pleasures and for love of comforts, to give to everyone the spirit of
sacrifice and love of suffering.
And I want to fuse myself in your hands to repair for all the evil works, for
the good done badly and with presumptuousness, and give to all the
fragrance of your works. I want to fuse myself in your feet, to block all the
steps of creatures, and so repair for them and give your steps to all, to
make them walk in a saintly way.
Finally, my sweet Life, as I fuse myself in your Heart, allow me to enclose
all the affections, heartbeats and desires, to repair for them together with
You, and to give to everyone your affections, heartbeats and desires, so that
no one may ever again offend You.
But I hear the noise of the creaking of the key: your enemies are now
coming to take You out of prison. And I tremble, Jesus; I feel my blood
running cold. You will again be in the hands of your enemies. What will
happen to You? I seem also to hear the creaking of the keys of the
tabernacles. How many desecrating hands come to open them, and maybe to
make You descend into sacrilegious hearts? Into how many unworthy hands
You are forced to find Yourself! My prisoner Jesus, I want to be in all of
your prisons of love, to be spectator when your ministers release You, and to
keep You company and repair for the offenses You may receive.
I see that your enemies are near, while You greet the rising sun on the last
of your days. As they untie You, in seeing that You are all majesty and that
You look at them with so much love, in return they unload onto your Face
slaps so violent as to make It turn red with your most precious Blood.
Jesus, my Love, before leaving the prison, in my sorrow I ask You to bless
me, in order to receive the strength to follow You along the rest of your
Reflections and Practices
In prison, tied to a pillar and immobilized, Jesus is smeared with spittle and
mud. He looks for our souls to keep Him company. And we - are we happy
to be alone with Jesus, or do we look for the company of creatures? Is
Jesus alone our only breath and our only heartbeat?
In order to make us become like Him, loving Jesus binds our souls with
aridity, with oppressions, with sufferings, and with any other kind of
mortification. Are we happy to be bound by Jesus in that prison in which
His love places us - that is, obscurity, oppressions and the like?
Jesus is in prison. Do we feel the firmness and the promptness to imprison
ourselves in Jesus for love of Him? Afflicted Jesus longed for our souls in
order to be untied and sustained in the painful position in which He found
Himself. Do we long for Jesus alone to come and keep us company, to free
us from the chains of every passion, and to bind us with the stronger chains
of His Heart? Do we place our pains as cortege around suffering Jesus in
order to remove from Him the spit and the mud which sinners send to Him?
Jesus prays in prison. Is our prayer constant with Jesus?
My chained Jesus, You made Yourself a prisoner for love of me, and I pray
You to imprison my mind, my tongue, my heart and all of myself within
You, that I may have no freedom, and You may have absolute lordship over