

Philosopher State of Nature Duty of Citizen Rights of citizen Role of Gov Type of Gov
Plato Learn \n Follow reason Class-based soc Help subjects achieve wisdom Philosopher king \n Guardians
Aristotle Hierarchies \n beings have function Achieve telos \n Achieve happiness Polity is most important \n Social cooperation \n Strong middle class \n Impartial law Polity/aristocracy \n Strong middle class
Hobbes Choas \n Exited through gov Obey gov \n None, rebel maybe under threat of life Order \n To rule law, religion, all powers, determine property and justice Absolute monarchy
Locke Gives rights \n to defend prop \n people vulnerable Respect law \n Give up some rights to government Property \n make laws \n Rebel \n Punish transgressors \n Religion Protect life, liberty, and prosperity \n Make and enforce laws \n Republic/ representative \n constitutional \n
Spinoza Ind strives for self-preservation \n Leads to choas \n People born equal \n People ignorant Learn to live under reason \n Ally and respect state \n Search for truth Rights protected by state \n Freedom preserved by state \n Religious tolerance for the tolerant \n Law errs on their side \n Speech and expression Security of citizens, equality, common wellfare, freedom \n Goal is freedom Rep. Democracy, people have a say but not all should have access
Montesquieu To be motivated in gov by some virtue Should not be oppressed by absolute power Create and maintain rule of law Separation of powers \n Type depends on how the gov works \n Rule of law
Rousseau It is paradise \n Property creates inequality \n Society corrupts man, who is born good \n Amour de soi Submit to the general will \n But aside their interests in an interdependent society Gov must reflect their will \n Right to property and liberty \n Make laws Allow interdependent people to operate cohesively \n Prevent inequality and exploitative social relations \n Protect liberty and maintain peace \n Right over spiritual matters Depends on size of the state \n Citizens must participate in making laws \n Aristocracy

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