

  • Early life
    • Born 1924 in France
    • Born to affluent family, father was a surgeon
    • Ashamed of his bourgeoise roots
    • Academically proficient
    • 1946: enrolls in Ecole Normale Superieur
    • He was reclusive, put into a psychiatric hospital
    • 1950: joins communist party under influence of Louis Althusser
    • Leaves after a few years after experiences with homophobia and antisemitism
    • Writes about psychology, knowledge, prison system, and sexuality
    • He was the best paid-professor in French uni system “Professor of History of Systems of Thought”



  • Power is the common theme in his work
    • Insists it was not his main focus, it was a constant theme however
    • Comes from prison system
    • Shift from the 18th to the 19th century from sovereign power to disciplinary power
    • Less public punishment, then moving to taking people out of society
    • Sovereign power
    • Clear ruler and source of power
    • Public displays of power, executions, crime against state, power over all less obvious
    • Interferes with the body of the punished
    • Disciplinary power
    • Ubiquitous
    • Outside public domain
    • Disciplines the mid of the criminal through mild interference with the body
    • Not just about punishing the body, but changing how they think
    • Power is imbedded in all social interactions
    • Micro power: over an individual
    • Macro: of the society
  • Panopticism
    • Bentham’s panopticon prison system
    • Inmates discipline themselves to follow the rules
    • Power of inmates come from within themselves
  • Governmentality
    • Power is a network of hierarchical relationships
    • There can be mutual power between individuals
    • Refers to this as “biopower”
    • State has authority over abortion, euthanasia, vaccination
    • If government is not one unified body, how are they expected to control what is happening?
    • Governmentality: the art of gov, the conduct of conduct
    • Police
    • Surveillance
    • Fines for punishments
    • Prohibitions
    • These are not always enforced or being monitored: but it elicits good behavior
    • Regime of truth: state decides what is true, controls academic curriculum
    • Society of Norms: What is expected, what is morality and norms is determined by the state
    • State tyrannizes this way through this structure
    • His ability to express these ideas shows that he is now so powerless in revealing this hidden structures
  • Progress
    • Did not really believe in progress
    • History of Madness shows how madness has been treated differently
    • Middle Ages: Could still be part of society, exercised in severe cases
    • 18th Century: Enlightenment leads to institutionalization/prisoned
    • 20th Century: Rehabilitation
    • This translated to gov is governmentality: exercising power over citizens
    • Reason of State: Justification to exercise state power


  • Post-moderism

Friedman and Foucault

  • Both somewhat libertarian
  • Influence of their background
  • Very public figures
  • Structuralism
    • Unseen structures

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