

  • Life
    • Born 1982
    • Born to Jewish mother who had to leave town due to anti-semitism
    • Notion of not belonging follows him
    • Part of Germany’s Social Democratic Party
    • Bachelors in History from Cambridge
    • PHD from Harvard in Government
    • Became a U.S Citizen in 2017
    • Becomes professor at John Hopkins University
    • Online newsletter since 2020 called Persuasion
  • Works
    • The Age of Responsibility (His PhD work)
    • Stranger in my own country
    • Relations to Germany and Jewish heritage
    • Not fitting in
    • The People Vs. Democracy
    • The Great Experiment
    • Podcast “The Good Fight with Yascua Mounk”


The People vs Democracy (2018)

  • The crisis of liberal democracy
    • Brings a lot of research into the work
    • Liberal: institutions effectively protext teh rule of la and guarantee individual rights
    • Democracy: A set of binding elector institutions that effectively bind public will and legislation
    • Illiberal Democracy:
    • People decide,
    • Politics is simple: anyone saying different is laying, anti-status quo is the enemy
    • I am your voice
    • Poland
    • Undemocratic
    • Central banks
    • Bureaucrats as lawmakers: People do not recognize themselves in their leaders
    • Judicial review
    • Money: elitist circles rule of the country
    • International treaties and organizations: have strong say
    • EU
    • Warning signs:
    • Criticism of democracy, authoritarian alternatives, undermining key democratic norms
  • Origins
    • Weakened traditional gatekeepers like the media: anyone can be an influencer
    • Stagnation in living standards: Slow growth in living standards, live expectancy declining
    • Ethnic homogeneity: There is one ethnic group, most European states are built on this idea
  • Remedies
    • Renew civic faith through investment in education, necessities, housing, medical care
    • Educate children on why liberal democracy is the best and dangers of other forms
    • Self-worth through profession rather than ethnicity
    • Fixing the Economy:
    • Domesticating nationalism

The Great Experiment

  • When Democracies go wrong
    • Public Park provides visitors options, open to everyone, a vibrant place for encounters
    • People have opportunity, they have rights to do something other than what others in your family or tribe do
    • Open to everyone, but we may discuss what the environment is like
    • (Not his) The undemocratic liberalism threatens democracy
    • Technocrats, banks, courts international treaties
    • Devises term “Quasi-autonomous Non-Government Organizations” (Quango)
    • These NGOs do not have mandate of the people
    • Illiberal Democracies
    • Those that come to power through democracy but then undermine it
    • Populists are popular because of:
    • Economic stagnation:
    • standard of living not improving, fears next gen will be worse off
    • Multiculturalism:
    • rise in authoritarianism
    • Immigration has two wrong responses,

1. Immigration is a threat or they are inferior
2. Left wing- Think in identities and west must be dismantled because they are racist and unjust
* Both approaches are pessimistic, the only solution is for optimism and hope
* Newcomers are successful, show mobility but also there is solidarity towards migrants
* There should be more focus on the similarities and common values

  • Social media: Traditional gatekeepers have less influence, anyone has a say
  • Nationalism: future of inclusive nationalism based on cultural and legal patriotism
  • Everyone must be free against political and social tyranny
  • “Common Society” in which people of different identity can form national pride, because if they do not develop they do not have a future
    • What diverse democracies should become
    • How they can succeed

Mounk and Nussbaum

  • Common
    • Liberals
    • Harvard graduates
    • Jewish relations
    • American citizens
    • Media philosophers
  • Ideas
    • Golden middle way
    • Deal with contemporary difficult issues
    • Solution through patriotism
    • Different solutions to these issues

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