Components API Documentation

Components API Documentation

Components are UI blocks that can replace or be appended to sections of the Standard Notes desktop and web app. They allow us to do cool things like nested folders, tag autocomplete, and utility bars in the editor pane.

Building a component is easily done using the our JavaScript Components library. All you have to do is build a single-page web app using any framework you like (plain, Angular, React, etc), then use our components library to interact with the main window to save and request data.

Getting Started

In this example, we'll use our blank-slate AngularJS template to build a utility bar that counts the number of words in the current note.

(The AngularJS template just makes it easy to get started. You can also create a project from scratch that utilizes the Components JavaScript library.)

  1. Clone the blank-slate project from GitHub:

    git clone

  2. Build the project:

    npm install
    bower install
    grunt watch

  3. Start a local web server to host the app. Here we'll use Python's SimpleHTTPServer:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Open localhost:8000 in your browser. You should see the text "Blank Slate" on the page.

Writing the App

  1. In order to count the number of words in a note, the component needs access to the "working note", or the note the user is currently editing. In app/js/controllers/home.js, uncomment the relevant parts of the permissions so it looks like this:

    var permissions = [
    name: "stream-context-item"

  2. Uncomment the function streamContextItem so it looks like this:

    // perform updates in $timeout so Angular can $apply()
    $scope.item = item;

Whenever a change is made to the working note, the block in that function will be called automatically.

  1. Under $scope.item = item;, add


  2. Create a function analyzeNote that will count the number of words in the note.

    $scope.analyzeNote = function(note) {
    var s = note.content.text;
    s = s.replace(/(\s)|(\s$)/gi,"");//exclude start and end white-space
    s = s.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");//2 or more space to 1
    s = s.replace(/\n /,"\n"); // exclude newline with a start spacing

    $scope.wordCount = s.split(' ').length;

  3. Open app/templates/home.html.haml and add this line:

    Word Count:
    %strong {{wordCount}}

(Haml uses indentation to parse the text. Make sure tabs are preserved when you copy)

Save all changes, and make sure the grunt watch process catches those changes and builds the project. If not, you can manually build at any time by typing grunt.


  1. To install your component in Standard Notes, you need to add a few flags to the localhost URL.

    If your url is http://localhost:8000, we'll add these flags so that it's understandable to Standard Notes:

    http://localhost:8000?type=component&area=editor-stack&name=Word Counter

    You can change the name, but keep the other flags as is.

  2. Copy that link into the "Extensions" menu and paste it in the Install Extension input at the bottom of the menu.

  3. Click "Activate" on the install component. You should now see a permissions dialog to access the working note. Press Accept. (If you don't see this dialog, open the Developer Console to see if there are any JavaScript errors.)

  4. That's it! You should now see a little bar on the bottom of the editor pane that has the number of words for the current note. If it's a new note, type some words in the editor, and watch the component refresh automatically.

If you'd like to see the finished product, switch to the word-counter branch:

git checkout word-counter

Next Steps

There's an unlimited number of things you can build with components, that do anything from nested folders in the tags pane and autocomplete in the editor pane, to pushing notes to GitHub or WordPress.

To see how we built our own components, study the source code available here.

For questions on development, post in the forum or join our Slack.

If you'd like to support Standard Notes and use our secure hosting to install all the components we have to offer, consider purchasing the Extended subscription.

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