The Mind
I typed this note while watching a YouTube video that was 13-minute long. I realized that I could not sit down and concentrate on reading or watching videos. I tried meditation and went on a streak for more than 30+ days. It got me excited about training the “monkey brain” to be still. The video I was watching was on the topic of organizing your thoughts, by Nathaniel Drew. In the video, he talked about freeing the cluttered mind (RAM) to a hard disk (journal/notes). You need to come up w...
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I have a couple of interests I've been wanting to get into. I am thinking to dedicate just an hour on a weekday for a single interest. I don't think I want to spend more than 50% of my free time on them. If I have 10 hours of free time on weekdays, taking 2 hours away out of the 10 would just be 20%. I don't need to be perfect. Just an hour would be fine. ...
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Not for the entirety. We still need the Internet. Reliance on Social Media It came across my mind: I was too reliant on social media to hear about news and events. I guess I was too used to the almost-instantaneous information through social media. So much so that I forgot how it was like before. How can I actually get news and events without social media? Bookmarking sites seem to be a good way. Blogs are still alive and kicking. But, it does come down to choosing quality. How do you determi...
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