Rapture is coming

CPI inflation in the UK is 9%. Interestingly CPIH inflation – inflation for homeowners – is only 7.8%. That tells you something interesting right away: people who don't own their own homes are doing significantly worse than people who are. The bag of components of both CPI and CPIH is described here.

And of course what they're not saying is that people who are actually poor are not well-represented by the components of the CPI, conveniently. If you look at this chart, well they tell you that

The contributions from housing and household services, and transport, account for more than half of the CPIH annual rate

[My emphasis.]

But those two things make up a much larger proportion of the budgets of poor people: their inflation level is much higher than 9%. And we've not seen the coming food price hikes yet as the grain from Ukraine doesn't make it out of Ukraine. Food also makes up a great chunk of the spending of poor people, who are going to be getting hungry later in the year.

And we have a government of prancing, entitled, lying fuckwits and plutocrats who are utterly incompetent to deal with this problem, or any problem. A government which regards laws as something which apply to other people, which regards other people as meat to be consumed when the desire takes them. A government which has systematically destroyed any trust or credibility that other countries might have in the UK by acting in the worst possible faith at every opportunity. A government whose most-likely next leader, if they ever manage to depose their current clown emperor, is a not-very-bright instagram influencer.

I'm not a historian. But I can read, and this looks to me a lot like the precursor so some kind of revolution. And revolutions seldom turn out well, for anyone.

Let's hope, at least, that it turns out supremely badly for the johnsonites.

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