Popularity is fickle

How foolish are they who rely for happiness on popular favor. Nothing is more fickle. David may long reign and do good, but when the rebellion comes, the masses turn against him, v. 1. It was always so. One while Israel says there is none like Moses. Very soon trouble comes; then they murmur against him. The very people, who one moment pronounce Paul a murderer pursued by divine vengeance, the next moment say he is a God. The very crowd who cry, Hosanna to the son of David, in three days clamor for his crucifixion. Popular breath is as fickle as the wind, and as light as vanity. The want of it is proof against no man's worth. The possession of it confirms no man's title to esteem.

—William Plumer, ‘Studies on the Book of Psalms’, Psalm 3

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