Fire in the Mouth

Confessional Presbyterian ♠️ Reader of Ryle Co-Founder & President of Christian Worldview Discipleship (CWD) Full Time Evangelist w/ Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship (REF) Pursuing M.Div @ Heidelberg Theological Seminary (HTS) 🎧 CWD Podcasts ⤵️

Praise the Word

The ground of his joy is said to be the divine word; and this implies, that however much he might seem to be forsaken and abandoned by God, he satisfied himself by reflecting on the truthfulness of his promises. He would glory in God notwithstanding, and although there should be no outward appearance of help, or it should even be sensibly withdrawn, he would rest contented with the simple security of his word. The declaration is one that deserves our notice. How prone are we to fret and to murmu...
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God's will is the supreme law in all relations and actions

A Christian is just as much under obligation to obey God’s will in the most secular of his daily businesses as he is in his closet or at the communion table. He has no right to separate his life into two realms, and acknowledge different moral codes in each respectively—to say the Bible is a good rule for Sunday, but this is a week-day question, or the Scriptures are the right rule in matters of religion, but this is a question of business or politics. God reigns over all everywhere. His will is...
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Faith Proved by Fear

The true proof of faith consists in this, that when we feel the solicitations of natural fear, we can resist them, and prevent them from obtaining an undue ascendancy. Fear and hope may seem opposite and incompatible affections, yet it is proved by observation, that the latter never comes into full sway unless there exists some measure of the former. In a tranquil state of the mind, there is no scope for the exercise of hope. At such times it lies dormant, and its power is only displayed to adva...
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The Title “First” Given to the Fifth Commandment

In the amplification of this reason, the apostle calls the commandment of honoring parents the “first commandment with promise,” [Eph. 6:2] to show that it is the first which has a particular promise added to it, so it is the first that God gave of any duty to be performed to man. The very order of the Decalogue shows the truth of this. The reason is clear; honor due to parents is the ground of all the duties required in the second table, for if duty is not performed to those who we are bound to...
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Works of Necessity & Mercy

WORKS OF NECESSITY & MERCY WCF 21.8. This Sabbath is then kept holy unto the Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering of their common affairs beforehand, do not only observe an holy rest, all the day, from their own works, words, and thoughts about their worldly employments and recreations, but also are taken up, the whole time, in the public and private exercises of his worship, and in the duties of necessity and mercy. WLC Q. 117. How is the sabbath or the Lord...
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Christian Liberty at Westminster Seminary

"Another issue, quite irrelevant to the whole question and which obscured the real basic differences of doctrine, was the subject of Christian liberty, particularly concerning the drinking of fermented beverages, and the discussion of the so-called separated life, which sets up certain man-made standards apart from the Bible and judges a Christian's spirituality by his conformity to these norms. Professor Allan A. MacRae, Ph.D., assistant professor in charge of the department of Old Testament a...
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Second Helvetic Confession Of Magistracy

Second Helvetic Confession (1566) Ch. 30, "Of Magistracy" The magistracy, of whatever sort it is, is ordained of God Himself for the peace and quietness of mankind; and so he ought to have the chiefest place in the world. If he is an adversary to the church, he may hinder and disturb it very much, but if he is a friend and so a member of the church, he is a most useful and excellent member thereof, which may profit it very much, and finally may help and further it very excellently. His chief du...
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The Teacher Must be Taught

The man who holds the office of teacher must apply himself to the reception of truth before he attempt to communicate it, and in this manner become the means of conveying to the hands of others that which God has committed to his own. Wisdom is not the growth of human genius. It must be sought from above, and it is impossible that any should speak with the propriety and knowledge necessary for the edification of the Church, who has not, in the first place, been taught at the feet of the Lord. —...
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Prayer & Care for Mothers

Prayer & Care for Mothers I've had this draft sitting since Monday (May 13), the day after "Mother's Day." I'm glad I waited to publish, since more people have violently reacted to our confessional view of the Lord's Day. Emotional reactions. Not actual refutations. Accusing us of not honoring our mothers. As if all your obedience to the 5th Commandment depends on celebrating Mother's Day. Celebrate Mother’s Day or nothing. That seems to be the sentiment. I guess no Christian ever honored...
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Leading Ideas of Some Books of the Bible

The leading ideas of some of the books of the Bible: ❇️ Genesis speaks to all ages until the end of time, of the creation of man in the image of God; of the entrance of sin into the world; and of the initial revelation of God's redeeming grace. ❇️ Exodus acquaints the successive generations of men with the doctrine of deliverance through the shedding of blood, ❇️ while Leviticus teaches them how sinful man can approach God and stand in his holy presence. ❇️ Numbers pictures the pilgrimage of...
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The Books of the Bible are Organically Related

The Word of God is an organic production, and consequently the separate books that constitute it are organically related to one another. The Holy Spirit so directed the human authors in writing the books of the Bible that their productions are mutually complementary. They are one in recording the work which God, in the execution of his divine plan, wrought in Christ for the redemption of a people that would glorify him eternally. The Old Testament reveals this work, first of all, ❇️ historical...
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We cannot consent to be gagged

And lastly, with all his amiability, the minister should be firm for his principles, and bold to avow and defend them in all companies. When a fair opportunity occurs, or he has managed to create one, let him not be slow to make use of it. Strong in his principles, earnest in his tone, and affectionate in heart, let him speak out like a man and thank God for the privilege. There need be no reticence—there should be none. The maddest romances of Spiritualists, the wildest dreams of Utopian reform...
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A Man Should Find a Wife

A MAN SHOULD FIND A WIFE Before I go further, let me take a few moments to address single men. I said that I was not going to rebuke you for being unmarried, and I meant that. Moreover, I realize that it is not always so easy to find a godly wife, and that many earnestly seeking brothers have been greatly frustrated in this pursuit. Still, the Bible's teaching requires me to encourage you to realize how vitally important it is (in the vast majority of cases) that you become married. If you hav...
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Disrespect for the Doctrinal Consensus of the Church

At one level, of course, these sentiments respecting the correctness of the Reformation's reading of the gospel cannot be rejected out of hand. The confessions themselves acknowledge that they are subordinate to the teaching of the Scripture and liable to correction if necessary. Even the most ardent subscriber to the Reformed confessions must be open to the possibility that they may contain error. This is really only another way of saying that Scripture is the supreme test of faith, and the con...
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Preaching with Earnestness

"You may preach the most solemn warnings, and the most dreadful threatenings, in such an indifferent or careless way that no one will be in the least affected by them; and you may repeat the most affectionate exhortations in such a half-hearted manner that no one will be moved either to love or fear. I believe, brethren, that for soul-winning there is more in this matter of earnestness than in almost anything else. I have seen and heard some who were very poor preachers, who yet brought many sou...
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All Saints’ & All Souls’

ALL SAINTS’ DAY AND ALL SOULS’ DAY Roman Catholic holy-days. Man made. Not instituted in Scripture. The theology behind these commemorations are the validity of the Church of Rome, the distinction between mortal and venial sin, the existence of Purgatory, the canon of saints of the Roman Catholic Church, and the validity of Roman Catholic worship. In fact, All Saints’ Day is a Catholic “Holy Day of Obligation,” meaning all Catholics are required to attend the Mass. Those who aren’t communing R...
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Measured Enthusiasm about "Reformation" in the Philippines

Measured Enthusiasm about "Reformation" in the Philippines The Philippines now has its own "conference circuit." More and more events are being put on that promote "Reformed" theology. Money is being donated, special speakers are invited, people are traveling to attend, and book tables are being set up with all the latest offerings of Reformed and Presbyterian publishers. It's all very exciting, truly. And there's no question that this is an enormous improvement in this country. But is this...
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Preaching Length

There is always another verse that can be covered and another word that can be said, but ministers are best advised to select passages that allow them to quit before the congregation does. The well-prepared pastor always has more to say than time to say it. Part of the discipline of sermon preparation is setting aside for anther occasion what there is not time to say in this message. We simply will say more that is heard if we preach less than all we know. In the pulpit, less can often mean more...
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Preaching without authority

Without the authority of the Word, preaching becomes an endless search for topics, therapies, and techniques that will win approval, promote acceptance, advance a cause, or soothe worry. Human reason, social agendas, popular consensus, and personal moral convictions become the resources of preaching that lacks “the historic conviction that what Scripture says, God says.” The opinions and emotions that formulate the content of preaching that lacks biblical authority are the same forces that can d...
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Are you happy?

"Blessed [Happy] are the people whose God is the Lord." Psalm 144:15 An atheist was once addressing a crowd of people in the open air. He was trying to persuade them that there was no God and no devil, no heaven, and no hell, no resurrection, no judgment, and no life to come. He advised them to throw away their Bibles, and not to pay attention to what preachers said. He recommended them to think as he did, and to be like him. He talked boldly. The crowd listened eagerly. It was "the blind lead...
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Our Master will come back again

But let us take courage: there are better days yet to come. Our great Redeemer and Liberator has gone before us to prepare a place for His people, and when He comes again our redemption will be complete. The great jubilee year is yet to come: — A few more Christmas and New Year's Days — A few more meetings and partings — A few more births and deaths — A few more weddings and funerals — A few more tears and struggles — A few more sicknesses and pains -- A few more Sundays, Baptisms, an...
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Stand Firm in Your Liberty

Are you free? Then stand firm in your liberty, and don't be entangled again in the yoke of bondage. —Don't listen to those who by good words and fine speeches would draw you back to the Roman Catholic Church. —Beware of those who would try to persuade you that there is any mediator but the one Mediator, Christ Jesus. —Beware of any one who would try to persuade you that there is any sacrifice but the one Sacrifice offered on Calvary. —Beware of any one who would try to persuade you that t...
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If you believe, you are truly free.

There is no more perfect doctrine than this to perfectly satisfy the ignorant and the unlearned! Visit the poorest and humblest person who knows nothing of theology, tell him the story of the cross, and the good news about Jesus Christ, and His love to sinners; show him that there is freedom provided for him, as well as for the most educated in the land--freedom from guilt, freedom from the devil, freedom from condemnation, freedom from hell. And then tell him plainly, boldly, fully, unreserve...
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The only way to acquire freedom in Christ

We are not born with the freedom in Christ. The inhabitants of many a city enjoy privileges by virtue of their birthplace. Paul, who drew his first lifebreath at Tarsus in Cilicia, could say to the Roman Commander, “I was born free.” But this is not the case with Adam's children, in regards to spiritual things. We are born slaves and servants of sin: we are by nature “children of wrath,” and destitute of any claim to heaven. We do not acquire freedom in Christ by baptism. Every year many a...
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Christ on the Cross

Too many are content with a vague idea that Christ will somehow save sinners: but how or why they don’t have a clue. I protest against this ignorance. Let us set fully before our eyes the doctrine of Christ dying in our place—His substituted death, and rest our souls on it. Let us hold on firmly to the mighty truth, that Christ on the cross: Christ on the cross: Stood in the place of His people Christ on the cross: Died for His people Christ on the cross: Suffered for His people Christ on...
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Love doesn't mean never disapproving anybody's religious opinions

The love of the Bible does not consist in never disapproving anybody's religious opinions. Here is another most serious and growing delusion. There are many who pride themselves on never pronouncing others mistaken, whatever views they may hold. Your neighbor, for example, may be a Roman Catholic, or a Mormon. But the "love" of many says that you have no right to think him wrong! If he is sincere, it is "unloving" to think unfavorably of his spiritual condition! From such love may I ever be deli...
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Love doesn't mean never disapproving anybody's conduct

The love of the Bible does not consist in never disapproving anybody's conduct. Here is another very common delusion! Thousands pride themselves on never condemning others, or saying they are wrong, whatever they may do. They convert the precept of our Lord, "Do not judge," into an excuse for having no unfavorable opinion at all of anybody. They pervert His prohibition of rash and censorious judgments into a prohibition of all judgment whatsoever. Your neighbor may be a drunkard, a liar, a viole...
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Never make an intimate friend of anyone who is not a friend of God

Never make an intimate friend of anyone who is not a friend of God. Understand me, I do not speak of acquaintances. I do not mean that you ought to have nothing to do with anyone but true Christians. To take such a line is neither possible nor desirable in this world. Christianity requires no man to be discourteous. But I do advise you to be very careful in your choice of friends. Do not open all your heart to a man merely because he is clever, agreeable, good-natured, and kind. These things...
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Fear of Man's Opinion

Another danger to young men is the FEAR OF MAN'S OPINION. "The fear of man" will indeed "prove to be a snare" (Proverbs 29:25). It is terrible to observe the power which it has over most minds, and especially over the minds of the young. Few seem to have any opinions of their own, or to think for themselves. Like dead fish, they go with the stream and tide: what others think is right, they think is right; and what others call wrong, they call wrong too. There are not many original thinkers in ...
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Be Serious

Matthew Henry tells a story of a great statesman in Queen Elizabeth's time, who retired from public life in his latter days, and gave himself up to serious thought. His former gay companions came to visit him, and told him he was becoming melancholy: "No," he replied, "I am serious; for all are serious round about me. God is serious in observing us,—Christ is serious in interceding for us, the Spirit is serious in striving with us,—the truths of God are serious,—our spiritual enemies are serious...
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